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[Closed] Querying the value of an Animatable??

Given an Animatable* in C++, how can I retrieve the current value of this Animatable? For instance, I have a standard material, which has an output texmap in its opacity submap, I want to query the “RGB Level” value of that Output texmap, and the “RGB Level” isn’t keyed with anything (or otherwise I can somehow use GetKeyControlInterface() to get the keys). This is my code to get the Animatable*

Animatable* anim = getSubAnim(getSubAnim(getSubAnim(texmap, L”Output”), L”Parameters”), L”RGB Level”);

But I don’t know how to get the value. It should be damn simple.

I tried to get the TextureOutput* from the output texmap and list its param blocks, but nothing was found, also nothing was found when I tried to list param blocks of the Animatable*.

Any idea? Thanks in advance