[Closed] Querying bone orientation problem
I am scripting the alignment of an object to a bone. I need to copy the world z rotation of a bone to the world z rotation of a mesh object. If I open the Rotate Transform Type-In window (ref coord sys set to world), I see that the bone has a zero value in Z. However, when I query the bone using “in coordsys world radToDeg bone.rotation.z” i get a value of 28 something degrees. So as I align, the aligned object ends up with a wonky orientation.
Is there any particular reason for this difference in bone rotation between the type-in tool and what the script sees?
I solved the problem using vector math instead, creating a vector from the start to the end of the bone, and calculating the angle from that.
Hi Rune, could you tell me how you retreive the end of the bone pos?
Hi there Johan,
In this case it was easy, I could just pick the position of the next bone in the chain
But here’s a piece of code that might do the trick:
fn boneEnd obj =
-- Bone vector at origo
local boneVec = [obj.length, 0 ,0]
-- Align the vector to the bone
boneVec = boneVec * inverse (obj.rotation as matrix3)
-- Offset the vector to the bone
boneVec = boneVec + obj.pos
return boneVec
point pos:(boneEnd $)
This works with the default bones I have in my 3ds max, but there are most likely cases where it won’t work. So no responsibilities for loss of scenefiles or computers while using this function
Hi Rune,
Thanks for the code, I did some work on it to account for scaling and stretching
fn boneEnd obj =
-- Bone vector at origo
local boneStretch = obj.transform.scale.x * obj.inode.stretchTM.scale.x * obj.length
local boneVec = [boneStretch, 0 ,0]
-- Align the vector to the bone
boneVec = boneVec * inverse (obj.rotation as matrix3)
-- Offset the vector to the bone
boneVec = boneVec + obj.pos
return boneVec
This is the code that I came up with myself, it’s somewhat similar with different code… my vector math is quit weak i hate to say…
(preTranslate o.transform [(o.inode.stretchTM.scale.x * o.length),0,0]).pos
Is freelancing working out for you, hope so…
I’m (sometimes) good with vectors, and now that I bought the Matrix Explained DVD that Bobo did, I hope I can finally get to understand matrices as well. Impressive you managed to condense it to one line. I tend to come up with solutions, but they’re always kind of verbose. Glad it worked out for you
Freelancing has been fantastic so far! Struggled abit with RSI at the start, but that seems to wear off now. Things are looking really bright