Here is one that I would like to see as it is right up the line or what I’m doing. A tie in with the Python XML parser and a data base. I gather this is possible but I haven’t looked into what data bases Python will work with, I’m guessing any of them. Is this correct?
I’m guessing any of them. Is this correct?
This is correct.
The reason that hold me back from doing extensive DB stuff until now was:
Not many people like to have a DB on the same machine as a maxinstallation.
Also: not many admins like a DB that is accessible from any host.
All this leads to proxy scripts, where you have the scripts running on the DBserver that will be queried through HTTP or curl (don’t know what the python name for curl is).
But speaking of xml and databases:
Maybe a XML database like eXist is a good idea, as parsing xml from/to relational db’s like mysql is sometimes ugly.
MySql is really simple in Python with the ‘MySQLdb’ module, it makes connection and interacting with the database simple. For xml i like Element Tree which as of version 2.5 of python is in the standard lib. Its very fast and easy to use.
I do prefer to with XML than SQL, I wrote our server here in Python that works off a XML back end, its not to difficult to do, so long as you can get your head around threading etc…
Just so that I’m clear on this. There is an XML data base? Is this free? Or are you writting XML files?
I’m just working on modules in Python, this is far easier then Perl that is for sure. Well for me anyway. The help files are really good so far.
cool , im waiting for it long time . with python , im free from max envirment , and free from C++ . lol .
Need a bit of help on packages? Is a package just a diescription file of what modules to import?
So you list the name of the package and then the names of the sub folders and then the modules in them??
There is an XML data base?
There might be others as well.
The ‘drawback’ of those is that you use xpath and other xml-techniques instead of godd-old-sql-syntax.
Also they are better for storing document-style-data. Relational databases seem to be better for storing data-style-data. I guess this will be a new field of research.
For now back to the XML file parsing. So in max I have the dotNetObject “system.Xml.XmlDocument” for reading and writting Xml docs. In Python I have modules that can do the same. I don’t want to have to write the same code twice, once in Max script once in Python.
Can python use the same .net method as Max?
Should I write it all in Python and call the python functions from Max some how…if so…how?
I have the oposite from the above worked out in my head but that isn’t the way that would be most effective if I ever want to include another app.
This is a really interesting development. I’ve been calling python scripts for various things from 3dsmax for a while now but to be able to do it the other way around opens up some interesting possibilities.
Thanks for posting this. Although I still hope that a native python interface finds its way into 3dsmax someday.
How are you calling the python scripts? Same way that is shown in the Project Management thread?