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[Closed] Put object names in a variabel

I am working with some animation scripts and need to make someting like group.

I want to have someting like this:
variabelname=(L_foot, H_foot, COM)

and if I take variabelname[1] then it will return L_foot.

I am new to script but someting like this I have seen in C++.

How to do this?

7 Replies

for i = 1 to selection.count do
setobjects[i] = selection[i]


How can I select now setobjects[1]
I get now:
$Editable_Spline:man_footRCTRL @[-3.691000,4.678302,1.408482]

Originally posted by Peder
for i = 1 to selection.count do
setobjects[i] = selection[i]

this does the same but as a one-liner:
setobjects = for i in selection collect i

How can I select now setobjects[1]
I get now:
$Editable_Spline:man_footRCTRL @[-3.691000,4.678302,1.408482]

to select the first object in the array, you could say:
select setobjects[1]

The two examples posted above assume that you have your objects selected. If your objects are consistently named, you can hard code them into the script like so.

NodeName=#( $‘Box01’, $‘Box02’, $‘Box03’ ) – Name of the object between the ’ ‘s

select NodeName[2] – will select Box02.

You do not need to have an object selected to do most maxscript functions. Simply doing I function to the object by name will produce the desired results.

rotate NodeName[1] (angleaxis 45 [0,0,1])

Will Rotate Box01 45 degrees.

Watch the maxListener window for commands that you may want to script. [ Bottom, left part of screen, right click to expand it! ]

Good Luck

Keith Morrison

hi, this is my first post here in the forums… i hope somebody cud help me with…
how do i collect objects in array by names using an edittext?
i did this…

foo = for obj in $text* collect obj


foo = “$” + text + “*”
execute foo

the first one isnt working… but the second one gives me “$foo*”…

what i wanted to do is have an edittext box, where i cud enter the name of all the objects that goes by it, so that i cud alter thier properties at the same time.

Your Close!!

foo = $‘text*’

Will assign foo with an Array of all objects with “text” as the first four letters in their name.

to do dynamically…

Global ObjArray = #()
ObjName = “Box”
ExecString = ( “ObjArray = $’”+ ObjName + “’”)
execute ExecString

ok! thnx! dat was an approach that never occured to me. Cool!

Actually, it’s better to use getNodeByName instead of execute (which really slows down your script when used in a loop).

ObjName = “Box”
getNodeByName ObjName

from the 3dsmax7 online reference:

getNodeByName <string> exact:<bool> ignoreCase:<bool> all:<bool>

Returns first node with the specified name. If exact is false (default), the normal MAXScript node name comparisons are performed.

NEW in 3ds max 7:

ignoreCase specifies whether the comparisons should be case sensitive or not. When set to true, non-case-sensitive comparison will be performed.

If all is true, an array of nodes with the specified name is returned.

Default is exact:false ignoreCase:true all:false

  • Martijn