[Closed] Put object at a fix distance from border
Please, if you can take a look at this screenshot:
There are 3 different rectangular shape (no parametric rectangular objects).
At the beginning they have a certain distance I’ve marked as “dist01a / dist02a” in black.
I’d like through a script to move shape 2 and 3 nearer, respectively at “dist02b” and “dist01b”.
The nearer distance (“dist02b/dist01b”) has a fix value of 3.7mm
The problem for me is that I have more then one solution; in the screenshot you can see one, but in other solutions Rectangular Shapes have different dimensions, and the black “dist01a/dist02a” changes.
Theorically I think this should be the process:
-Each shape as a name, for example “shape 1=Base_001”, “shape 2=Top_001”, “shape 3=Right_001”
-In a variable I store coordinates of the top right vertex of Base_001
-In a variable I store coordinates of the bottom right vertex of Top_001
-In a variable I store coordinates of the top left vertex of Righ_001
-then with some math operations I calculate the original distance, I subtract 3,7 and I translate the result along Y for Top_001 and along X for Right_001
But I really don’t know how to transfer this instructions in maxscript
If someone could help me… give me also a quote if you think this is the case.
Thanks a lot!
here is a little toy to play and hopefully have a fun:
global testXY_pos = unsupplied
testXY_pos = getdialogpos testXY
destroydialog testXY
rollout testXY "X&Y by denisT" width:150
local x_constraint, y_constraint, target
local x_tape, y_tape
local target_min = [0,0,0], target_max = [0,0,0], target_center = [0,0,0]
fn randomSize = (random 4 20)
fn randomPos = (random -[20,20,0] [20,20,0])
local possible_pos
group "Distance: "
spinner x_distance_sp "X: " type:#float range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right offset:[4,0]
spinner y_distance_sp "Y: " type:#float range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right offset:[4,0]
group "Variant: "
radiobuttons variant_rb labels:#("1", "2", "3", "4") columns:4 --align:#left offset:[0,0]
button find_best_bt "Find Best" width:132 align:#right offset:[4,0]
group "Create: "
spinner seed_sp "Seed: " type:#integer range:[0,1e9,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right offset:[4,0]
button create_bt "Create Test" width:132 align:#right offset:[4,0]
fn updateDistance = try
x_distance = x_distance_sp.value
y_distance = y_distance_sp.value
x1 = x_constraint.min.x - x_distance - target_max.x
x2 = x_constraint.max.x + x_distance - target_min.x
y1 = y_constraint.min.y - y_distance - target_max.y
y2 = y_constraint.max.y + y_distance - target_min.y
possible_pos = #([x1, y1, 0], [x1, y2, 0], [x2, y1, 0], [x2, y2, 0])
fn findBestVariant =
min_dist = 1e9
best_var = 0
for k=1 to possible_pos.count do
pos = possible_pos[k] + target_center
dist = distance x_constraint.center pos + distance y_constraint.center pos
if dist < min_dist do
min_dist = dist
best_var = k
variant_rb.state = best_var
fn createTest =
delete objects
if seed_sp.value != 0 do seed seed_sp.value
x_constraint = rectangle name:#x_constraint width:(randomSize()) length:(randomSize()) pos:(randomPos()) wirecolor:red
y_constraint = rectangle name:#y_constraint width:(randomSize()) length:(randomSize()) pos:(randomPos()) wirecolor:green
target = rectangle name:#target width:(randomSize()) length:(randomSize()) pos:(randomPos()) wirecolor:yellow
target_min = target.min
target_max = target.max
target_center = target.center
x_tape = tape name:#x_tape target:(targetobject name:#'x_tape.target')
y_tape = tape name:#y_tape target:(targetobject name:#'y_tape.target')
x_distance_sp.value = random 1.0 20.0
y_distance_sp.value = random 1.0 20.0
fn updateTest state: = undo off try
if state == unsupplied do state = variant_rb.state
with redraw off
target.pos = possible_pos[state] + target_center
if state < 3 then
x_tape.pos = [x_constraint.min.x, target.center.y, 0]
x_tape.target.pos = [target.max.x, target.center.y, 0]
x_tape.pos = [x_constraint.max.x, target.center.y, 0]
x_tape.target.pos = [target.min.x, target.center.y, 0]
if state == 1 or state == 3 then
y_tape.pos = [target.center.x, y_constraint.min.y, 0]
y_tape.target.pos = [target.center.x, target.max.y, 0]
y_tape.pos = [target.center.x, y_constraint.max.y, 0]
y_tape.target.pos = [target.center.x, target.min.y, 0]
on create_bt pressed do undo "Create Test" on
on x_distance_sp changed val do
on y_distance_sp changed val do
on variant_rb changed state do undo off
on find_best_bt pressed do undo off
createdialog testXY pos:testXY_pos
PS. play in TOP view
Impressive denis… you have written it in so few time… a bit of envy…
Anyway I don’t know how to use it in my scenes: consider I have a lot of layers, and each layer has its triad of squares.
I thought I can align my squares to those created by your script, but when I click “Create Test” on your window, it deletes everything in the scene.
Thank you very much denis. I have only to learn from this.