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[Closed] Protractor Helper

Is it possible to access the angle that the protractor helper comes up with in maxscript? The documentation doesn;t have anything in there.

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i couldn’t find… but it’s very easy to make your own

here is it…

 /* denisT collection 2013 */

plugin helper ProtractorPro
	classID:#(0x1967, 0x0aabbcc03) 
	parameters extra 
		angle type:#float animatable:off
		on angle get val do 
			if (targets = refs.dependson delegate).count > 1 then
				node = refs.dependentnodes this firstonly:on
				acos (dot (normalize (node.pos - targets[1].pos)) (normalize (node.pos - targets[2].pos)))
			else val


The Protractor object works in a manner similar to the Tape object, but it measures the angle between two objects. To use the Protractor object, click in a viewport to position the Protractor object. (The Protractor object looks like two pyramids aligned point to point and represents the origin of the angle.) Then click the Pick Object 1 button, and select an object in the scene. A line is drawn from the Protractor object to the selected object. Next, click the Pick Object 2 button. The angle-formed objects and the Protractor object are displayed in the Parameters rollout. The value changes when either of the selected objects or the Protractor is moved.