[Closed] Proper way to get an array of keyed times
Hey all,
I’m trying to execute a certain action at the time when a certain object has a keyframe. For example, a certain bone in my character has a keyframe at frame 9, 22, and 55 and I want a maxscript to be able to get those 3 numbers into a proper array.
animate on (
controla = bone.controller
for i in 1 to controla.keys.count do (
if(controla.keys[i] != undefined) then (
realkeys[i] = getkeytime controla i
j = 1
for t in 1 to 90 do at time t (
if(t == realkeys[j]) then(
j = j+1 -- increment j , apparently you cant do j++?
As you can plainly see I’m a Maxscript beginner but would appreciate some help getting the getkeytime to be used as I need. It returns “22f” if I’m not mistaken so would I have to chop the ‘f’ off of it and then tell maxscript to use it as an integer? I’m kind of at a loss of how to pull this off. Thanks for any assistance.
instead of using getKeyTime you can use getKeyIndex …
[i]keys = for t in #(9f, 22f, 55f) collect[/i]
[i]if (i = getKeyIndex <controller>[/i] t) == 0 then [i]undefined[/i] else (getKey [i]<controller>[/i] i)
in this case you will get list of keys in right order (and undefined if there is no a key at the time)
every MAXKey has #time, #selected, and #value properties
you need <key>.value
#value property varies by key’s containing controller
Now is about “[color=yellow]time format”…[/color]
a = 10f means that variable a is “[color=yellow]Time” class value[/color]
if you want to get frame (integer) value you have to call a.frame