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[Closed] Progressive display button?

I know this has been address before but is there ANY way to know if progressive display is turned on or off?

Or simply disable it in the viewport config window?


3 Replies

To query the progressive refinement state of the currentviewport

( NitrousGraphicsManager.GetActiveViewportSetting() ).ProgressiveRenderingEnabled

to enable or disable progressive refinement for the current viewport

( NitrousGraphicsManager.GetActiveViewportSetting() ).ProgressiveRenderingEnabled= true | false

Holy mother of jeebus thanks… I had gone thru that but I was testing on 2012… and that runs perfectly on 2013… thanks!!!

yeah – i forgot to add that this property was introduced in Max 2013. Previously there was no way to get the progressive refinement enabled state, except by querying the pressed-state of the button via awkward botton color reading etc…
Standard windows messages to read the button state does not work , because the devs essentially hacked the button to incorporate 2 state displays at the same time: for progressive refinement and dynamic degradation…

BTW: the button is not used any longer in Max 2014 for progressive refinement toggling