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[Closed] Problem with bake element

EDIT – solved

I have a problem with render to texture…it renders the VFB fine but my bake element (a normals map) does not appear to be being rendered properly.

I would like to output into source but I do not see any “output to source” or param, so I am simply doing: be.targetMapSlotName = “Bump”

After rendering if I try to access the bitmap from the bake element directly:

($.INodeBakeProperties.getBakeElement 1).bitmap
– Runtime error: Error opening bitmap: test.tga

Any help is gladly appreciated on this poorly documented issue, I am banging my head against the wall!

--setup the bake element
be = NormalsMap()
be.targetMapSlotName = "Bump"
be.filename = "test.tga"
be.useNormalBump = true
--add bake element
bi = base.INodeBakeProperties
bi.addBakeElement be
bi.bakeEnabled = true 
--setup projection mod
base.INodeBakeProjProperties.BakeSubObjLevels = false
base.INodeBakeProjProperties.normalSpace = #tangent
base.INodeBakeProjProperties.projectionMod = (projection())
base.INodeBakeProjProperties.projectionMod.addObjectNode obj
--bake texture
select base
render rendertype:#bakeSelected outputwidth:dim outputheight:dim vfb:true
bi.bakeEnabled = false