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[Closed] Problem with MSXML Activex

I’m writing a Maxscript exporter for X3D format. Many features are exported and i use MSXML2.DOMDocument to write easily x3d/xml node in output file.

The problem is the following :

I can’t write nodes attributes like this :

        mode=' "modulate" "blendtexturealpha" "off" '

which is a list of strings.

The function uses is : setAttribute ( attributeName , attributeValue )

I have try many things but nothing work.
If i try to backslash the doublequotes the result is #quotes in the x3d files.

So, if there is a solution please help me

4 Replies

” – a double quote character
does this work?

If i use the output in the x3d file is #quotes .

for example if i use :
node.setattribute mode ” “diffuse” “specular” “

the output is :

   mode = "  #quotes diffuse #quotes  #quotes specular #quotes "

So the ouput of character ” is the first problem but the second is that i must have a list of strings.
And a list of strings in xml/x3d is define bye a simple quoted list like this :
mode = ’ “diffuse” “specular” ’

So the second problem is how to ouput such a list.
I think the problem is hard to resolv because MaxScript don’t define the simple quote (’) like a string delimiter.

is it possible to replace #quotes to after generation of xml?

Yes but if i could i prefer to have directly the good result.