[Closed] Problem applying CASpinner as Track to a scriptController
I like to apply a CA spinner as track to a script controller.
the usual way seems not to work:
$ScriptNode.addTarget “Name” Node.modifier[#Attribute_Holder].ca_def.Spinner1
results in
– Runtime error: IScriptCtrl::AddTarget – Target needs to be object or subAnim, got: 100.0
When i do this manually it works like expected. Any Ideas?
still stuck on this one. i tried this:
scriptNode.addTarget "spinner1" objNode.modifier[#Attribute_Holder]
and in the script i wrote…
spin1 = spinner1.ca.spinner1
to get its value, but changing the spinner wont get updated by the script controller. I just dont understand why its manually possible to add a CA spinner as target when its not an object or subAnim. Please help!
$ScriptNode.addTarget "Name" Node.modifier[#Attribute_Holder].ca_def.Spinner1.controller
but in CA definition you have to define default controller for this spinner
but in CA definition you have to define default controller for this spinner
Not sure i get you. Do you mean something like this in the parameter block?
Spinner type:#float ui:uiSpinner default:controller
applying the spinner manually as track and then typing…
scriptNode.getTarget "Name"
…tells me that the Target is a SubAnim track. Obviously not when i get this error message after applying addTarget
Runtime error: IScriptCtrl::AddTarget - Target needs to be object or subAnim, got: 100.0
i’m confused…
You need to first add a bezier float controller to your spinner. Then assign the target of your script controller to be that bezier control.