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[Closed] Problem Wiring Parameters

Hello Again

Not had much success in getting any help with my last query so will try another.

I have created some custom attributes on a camera using a script. The camera itself is created the same way and is linked to various Helpers.

I need to wire the custome attribustes to a noise controller on the cameras rotation.

This is the code I have tried but it doesnt appear to work!

paramwire.connect MyCam.baseobject[#NStrength] MyCam.controller.rotation[#Noise] “NStrength”

MyCam is a variable in the script that is used to hold the camera while it is created. NStrength is the name of the value in the cameras custom attributes.

Now as this ia part of a much larger script I created the camera along with its custom attribs then modified the line to see if I could excute it outside the main body of the script.

This would be

paramwire.connect $MyCam.baseobject[#NStrength] $MyCam.controller.rotation[#Noise] “NStrength”

The object being called MyCam

I get a No Get Function for Quat 0 0 0 1 error?

Any Ideas?


8 Replies

Does no-one hava any ideas? Or is this problem so simple and it is an insult to answer


I did read your original post but I didn’t know how to help but lets see what we can figure out…

You have a camera with a custom attribute NStrength. And you want to add a noise controller to another object in the scene and wire the noise_strength property to the camera’s NStrength[font=Verdana]?[/font]

Are you creating these other objects as part of larger script or do they already exist in the scene?


what does the paramWire.connect [font=Verdana]return?[/font]

i am trying to get an idea of what it happening… sorry if i’m asking the annoying questions. i would like to help and learn at the same time.

i don’t think you are feeding the paramWire function the data that it needs.

Hi Dennis

Thanks for getting back.

This is part of a larger script which creates a camera and it relative helpers. The script also includes a noise controller on the camera and the controls to adjust it as cusomt attributes on the same camera. I need to wire up the controls to the controller. Now I have tried the wire up code and it does work to link one object to another however when I use it in this script it doesnt work. It has been returning “No Get Function for Quat 0 0 0 1 error” and sometimes Wanted 3 got 2 arguments.

If this doesnt help I can post the script itself, if I can logon to the VPN. If not I will post it monday.



If you could post the script that would be great.


thanks harry for sending me the script. i had a look at it and rewrote it.

  -- 03/09/2006
  -- START
  cameraNoiseAC = attributes noiseControlsAtts
  	parameters noiseControls rollout:noiseControlsRollout
  		noiseStrengthX type:#float ui:spn_noiseStrengthX default:0
  		noiseStrengthY type:#float ui:spn_noiseStrengthY default:0
  		noiseStrengthZ type:#float ui:spn_noiseStrengthZ default:0
  		noiseFrequency type:#float ui:spn_noiseFrequency default:0.5
  	rollout noiseControlsRollout "Noise"
  		group "Strength" (
  			spinner spn_noiseStrengthX "X" type:#float align:#center
  			spinner spn_noiseStrengthY "Y" type:#float align:#center
  			spinner spn_noiseStrengthZ "Z" type:#float align:#center
  		group "Frequency" (
  			spinner spn_noiseFrequency "Frequency" type:#float align:#center
  fn createPointHelper toCamera helperName size:50 wireColor:Blue isBox:true = (
  	theHelper = Point()
  	if isBox then ( = true
  		theHelper.cross = false	
  	theHelper.size = size
  	theHelper.pos = toCamera.pos = ("_"+helperName
  	theHelper.wirecolor = wireColor
  	return theHelper
  fn createCamera cameraName cameraDir:[0,1,0] wireColor:Orange = (
  	-- create camera
  	theCamera = FreeCamera() = cameraName
  	theCamera.dir = cameraDir
  	theCamera.wireColor = wireColor
  	-- create helpers
  	cameraMover = createPointHelper theCamera "Mover"   size:200 wireColor:White isBox:false
  	cameraHeading  = createPointHelper theCamera "Heading" size:150 wireColor:Green
  	cameraPitch = createPointHelper theCamera "Pitch"   size:100 wireColor:Blue
  	cameraBank = createPointHelper theCamera "Bank" size:50  wireColor:Red
  	-- parent helpers to camera
  	theCamera.parent = cameraBank
  	cameraBank.parent = cameraPitch
  	cameraPitch.parent   = cameraHeading
  	cameraHeading.parent = cameraMover
  	cameraBank.rotation = eulerangles -90 0 0
  	-- lock transform
  	setTransformLockFlags cameraMover   #{4,5,6,7,8,9}
  	setTransformLockFlags cameraPitch   #{1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9}
  	setTransformLockFlags cameraBank #{1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9}
  	setTransformLockFlags cameraHeading #{1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9}
  	-- add noise controller
  	noiseContoller = Noise_Rotation()
  	theCamera.rotation.controller = noiseContoller
  	noiseContoller[#noise_strength].controller = point3_XYZ()
  	--noiseContoller[#frequency].controller = point3_XYZ() <--- ?
  	noiseContoller.seed = random 0 1000
  	noiseContoller.noise_strength = [0,0,0]
  	-- add noise attributes
  	emptyMod = emptyModifier()
  	addModifier theCamera emptyMod = "Noise Controls"
  	custAttributes.add emptyMod cameraNoiseAC
  	-- link camera attributes to noise controller
  	noiseControls = emptyMod.noiseControlsAtts
  	paramWire.connect noiseControls[#noiseStrengthX] theCamera.rotation.controller[#noise_strength][#x] "noiseStrengthX"
  	paramWire.connect noiseControls[#noiseStrengthY] theCamera.rotation.controller[#noise_strength][#y] "noiseStrengthY"
  	paramWire.connect noiseControls[#noiseStrengthZ] theCamera.rotation.controller[#noise_strength][#z] "noiseStrengthZ"
  	--paramWire.connect noiseControls[#noiseFrequency] theCamera.rotation.controller[#frequency] "noiseFrequency" <--- ?
  -- UI
  rollout createRollout "Create" 
  	button btn_createNoiseCamera "Noise Camera" width:100 height:25 align:#center
  	on btn_createNoiseCamera pressed do 
  		createCamera "TestCamera"
  fn main = (
  	if theWindow != undefined then (
  		CloseRolloutFloater theWindow
  	) else (
  		theWindow = newRolloutFloater "Tools" 200 200
  		addRollout createRollout theWindow 
  -- END

i couldn’t figure out how to connect the frequency attribute – something to do with making the #frequency property available :shrug:

another weird with paramWire is that for every 0.1 that i increment on the modifier it increases the noise controller strength by 5.76 – why it is doing that? to see what i’m talking about: open the noise controller properties (under the motion tab) and then change the spinners camera’s Noise Controls modifier

Hi Dennis

You certainly have re-wrote it

So you managed to wire the strengths ok. I will study this part of the code and see what I did different (wrong).

To be honest I find this lot more difficult to read than my original. As a learner in these things I have a question. Did constructing the script using functions etc make it more efficient? I ask because I have another script which fixes reversed faces on imported objects and it can run out of memory. I was wondering if this was due to inefficient code or just the scale of what it is doing. I did actualy look into writing it using functions, which I have never used yet, but I couldnt justify it as no code is repeated.

Thanks for this. I certainly appreciate the time you have taken and hope to learn from it.



i did this script to learn as much you – it really only took a few hours of playing around.

writing functions is good practice and it is a nice way to solve a problem by breaking the logic into smaller parts. it can be more efficient as you can manage the memory by limiting the scope of your variables and it is easy to debug.

if you have any question please ask. also if you anyone can help further understand the paramWires, customAttributes, and emptyModifiers that would be great.

Hi Dennis

Thats very generous of you. Thanks again for your time. I will take a look at this later once I am back at work.

