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[Closed] ProOptimize Not Calculating Before Render
Apr 04, 2015 8:11 pm
Is there a way to force proOptimize to be “live”, so even if the stack under it changes, it recalculates?
I have tried a prerender script which doesn’t redraw unless the object is selected manually. It won’t even work if the selection is done in the script. I have also tried force redraw with this method also.
I have also tried wiring parameters with code to a dummy object to force the calculate on, which works, but also not unless the object is selected manually first.
-- force calculates all pro optimize mods named ProOptimizerLive
fn getObjsUsingMod objs mod =
for o in objs where ((findItem (for m in o.modifiers collect classOf m) mod) > 0)collect o
prooptimizeList = getObjsUsingMod $objects ProOptimizer
for i in prooptimizeList do i.modifiers[#ProOptimizerLive].Calculate = 1
There should be a simpler way that works dynamically. Currently, I’ll have to stop the animation at each frame and re-calculate which is totally silly. Any help or ideas greatly appreciated. (Max2015x64)