[Closed] Preserve Data in Scene
Hey all,
Is there any way to have a node containing a set of “User Properties” in a max scene which is undeleteable in the standard MAX interface? I know there are some workarounds, but I’m looking for a clean way of doing this.
The idea is to preserve data in the scene and be able to have many other people use the scene without being able to “mess things up” in their normal workflow.
Input is much apprieciated,
Haven’t ruled it out, but the objects which contain these custom attrs could be accidentally deleted.
I have often created a new track view node and assigned CA to it… or depending on the type of data Persistent globals work quite well
Whether you are using CA’s (Custom Attributes) or AppData strings, you’ll want to attach your data to the rootNode of the scene. This is an invisible node that is the parent of every node in the scene that is not parented to another object. I don’t use CA’s, but I do use the getAppData/setAppData functions to attach data as strings to the rootNode. Below is an example:
MyInteger = 33
setAppData rootNode 1 (MyInteger as string)
getAppData rootNode 1
((getAppData rootNode 1) as integer)
This looks like a great possibility. I’m going to look into it.
Thanks bra,