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[Closed] Points On surface

Does anyone know of a good way to random places point helpers on the surface of and object without using any corky pflow methods?

I’d love to know a way of doing this. Thank you.

5 Replies

for all surface related stuff I use a custom attribute called rayIntersectGridCA

any time i need a points on a surface I add the attribute. This consists of a single local variable set to a RayMeshGridIntersect() and a single ui param of the grid size. with the source mesh hosting the ca provides the base node to the build RayMeshGridIntersect

so now when I have a scatter node, scatter spline or walk through game camera I can poll the nodes custom attribute for a surface position (in very quick time).

the game camera emulator is a riot, so much so i’ve been toying with implementing a silly mxs tank game with it


i did this recently and did something like below,
It doesent generate evenly spaced points but its quite easy to eliminate points based on there proximity

hope it helps


numVerts = polyop.getNumVerts selection[1]
pts = #()
for i = 1 to numVerts do
	append pts ( polyOp.getVert selection[1] i )

fn lerp minVal maxVal term = 
	return ( (maxVal - minVal) * term + minVal )

fn genRndPtInTri ptA ptB ptC =
	ptD = lerp ptB ptC ( random 0.0 1.0 )
	ptE = lerp ptA ptD ( random 0.0 1.0 )
	Point pos:ptE isSelected:off	

for i = 1 to 100 do
	genRndPtInTri pts[1] pts[2] pts[3] 

I suppose i should also say that this only works on an editable poly of a single triangle


Here is a snippet from my Voluminance script, cloud is a mesh obj. p at the bottom is a random point on a random face (vi) .

vi=getface cloud (random 1 cloud.numFaces)

		r=random [0,0] [1,1]

		if (r.x +r.y >1 ) do

		a=getvert cloud vi[1]
		b=getvert cloud vi[2]
		c=getvert cloud vi[3]

		ab= point3 (b.x - a.x)  (b.y - a.y) ( b.z - a.z)
		ac= point3 (c.x - a.x)  (c.y - a.y) ( c.z - a.z)


 ab= point3 (b.x - a.x)  (b.y - a.y) ( b.z - a.z) 
ac= point3 (c.x - a.x)  (c.y - a.y) ( c.z - a.z)

whats wrong with

ab = b  - a
 ac = c  - a
