[Closed] Point Cache Recorder Script
Ive been wanting to create a script that would find all the objects in a scene that have a point cache on them and record that point cache.
The new point cache2 modifier has the advantage of the fact that it automatically grabs the name of the object the the point cache is on.
However i cant seem to get a piece of script that will activate the record function in the modifier. I should be able to find all objects that have a point cache modifier the activate the record.
For the first time it would promped the file location because no file has been set yet. It would be nice if this didnt have to be done for all objects and once the file location was set all the objects cached would use that file and their object name for the file name. Although this is not nessary but would be nice incase the file had a lot of objects that needed to be cached
Also the script has to turn on the point cache to record and then turn it back off again so the point cache doesnt overide and new animation that may be done after.
If any one has any pointers or if anyone wants to have a shot at creating the script I would be thankfull.
With the old point cache modifier i can access the record function with a quick test
but with the new point cache modifier the record() function doesnt work anymore
Can somone tell me if there is a way to find out if its just changed or if i just cant access it any more ?
[size=2]cacheOps.recordcache $.modifiers[#point_cache]
will do the job.
just check the help
Point_Cache : Modifier
on cacheOps struct .
If you wan to see a good tol for point cache mangement just check the one Carlos Anguiano dided.is for max 8 but still you can learn alot for it.
If you use Point cache WSM use the same comands of the modifier point cache because the point cache WSM modifier is not been update on the help and the comand are in the help doesnt work , just use the same as the normal modifier.
If you wait a bit probably i wil release a bunch of tools and one of them is apoint cache manager i been working on , and i quite happy with it.
The LosCacheand Bake for www.losart3d.com doesnt do what i need it to do but i will look at the script for help on what i need to do thanks.
And please do keep me posted on when you release your scripts. Im always happy to make my life easier with a new script.