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[Closed] Point 3 value into Particle Matrix?

I need to store a Point 3 value but my ParticleVector channel is being used. How can I put a point 3 value into the ParticleMatrix channel for re-calling later?

     pCont.particleIndex = i
     pCont.ParticleMatrix.row1 = pCont.ParticlePosition
     print pCont.ParticlePosition
     print pCont.ParticleMatrix    

Gives me…

(matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0])

What have I missed?

2 Replies

Hi Dave,
not sure if particles make the same case as objects, but in MaxScript Reference, under ‘Matrix3’ you got this note:

When working with object transformation matrix3 values, the rows and their sub-elements cannot be modified directly. To change a row or an element of the row, assign the matrix3 value to a user variable first, modify the matrix3 rows by assigning to the variable and then assign the variable back to the .transform property of the original object.

$Teapot01.transform.row4 = [10.0,20.0,30.0]
myTransform = $Teapot01.transform
myTransform.row4 = [10.0,20.0,30.0] 
$Teapot01.transform = myTransform
  • Enrico

Cheers, Bobo pointed me towards the same bit of the help file… lesson learned… read propperly…

Trying to get my head around the matrix and how it works, currently trying to link particles to a dummy, got the rotation working but not the position…

I’ve attached a demo scene, with a box linked showing the motion I want to achieve,

on ChannelsUsed pCont do
	 pCont.useage = true
	 pCont.useMatrix = true
	 pCont.useTM = true

on Init pCont do 


on Proceed pCont do 
	count = pCont.NumParticles()
		for i in 1 to count do
			pCont.particleIndex = i
			if pCont.particleAge == 0  then
			--store original transformation matrix
			pCont.particleMatrix = PCont.particleTM

				new_tm = ($Point01.transform * pCont.particleMatrix)
				pCont.particleTM = new_tm



on Release pCont do 