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[Closed] Plugin script weirdity


I have been working on this plugin script for a while and it has just stopped working in that it does not appear in the create panel anymore.

This happened very suddenly and have found that some other plugins I have written dont seem to appear in the create panel either when I run them although they usually work fine…!!!

I am new to maxscript and havent come accross this before does anyone have any ideas?



plugin[/color][/size] geometry ClicCreator

category:“Pumphouse Events”



parameters main rollout:ClicRollout


clicANo type:#integer ui:clicAsp default:0

clicBNo type:#integer ui:clicBsp default:0

clicCNo type:#integer ui:clicCsp default:0


fn shooto =


objs = #(“clicA”, “clicDummy”, “clicDummyEnd”)

pth = “V:\RESOURCES_3D\##Custom_Max_Objects\Clic\”

if clicANo == 1 then pth = pth + “ClicAend.max”

mergeMAXFile pth objs #select #useSceneMtlDups quiet:true

if dum != undefined do

$clicDummy.rotation = dum.rotation

$clicDummy.pos = dum.pos

dum = dummy()

dum.rotation = $clicDummyEnd.rotation

dum.pos = $clicDummyEnd.pos


fn createClic =


if (clicANo >= 1 and clicBNo >= 1) or (clicBNo >= 1 and clicCNo >= 1) or (clicCNo >= 1 and clicANo >= 1) then


messagebox “Please create only one type of clic at a time”


else shooto()


rollout ClicRollout “ClicCreator” width:162 height:300


bitmap clicAbmp “Bitmap” pos:[69,11] width:80 height:73

bitmap clicBbmp “Bitmap” pos:[69,91] width:80 height:73

bitmap clicCbmp “Bitmap” pos:[69,170] width:80 height:73

spinner clicAsp “” pos:[10,38] width:46 height:16 range:[0,20,0] type:#integer

spinner clicBsp “” pos:[10,119] width:46 height:16 range:[0,20,0] type:#integer

spinner clicCsp “” pos:[10,198] width:46 height:16 range:[0,20,0] type:#integer

button createClicBt “Go Clic Go!” pos:[12,257] width:137 height:32

on createClicBt pressed do





2 Replies

The first thing I notice is that there is no ClassID assigned to the scripted-plugin. The classID is how Max keeps track of instances of the plug-in in the scene. You can generate one by running GenClassID() in the Listener Window. You may also want to force “invisible” to false.

plugin geometry ClicCreator
classID:#(0x68e0b42, 0x51544f60)
category:“Pumphouse Events”


Thanks for that. Im not sure if thats necessary for a plugin that simply creates objects that do not require to be modified once created. i read somewhere that there are different levels of plugin, Im not sure if that might be to do with a higher level.

Truth is im not sure as i am very new to maxscript. I tried using that and it didnt seem to make any difference.

Is there an absolute mininum script you can use to just a get a new category to show in the create panel like:

[size=1]plugin geometry ClicCreator


category:“Pumphouse Events”



Its really confusing as the 3 simple plugins I have created so far always seemed to show up, now they don’t.??

