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[Closed] Plugin helper crash on redraw view

Hi guy, i’m in front of a strange problem and don’t where to search.
Quick explanation:
I made a plugin helper that call init function on a list of objects at file opening
using “on postLoad” event.
Each one of those objects create a when handler for handling controllers visibility
Everything works fine at scne creation but when i reload the file… crash!
Any ideas are welcome.

Here is my code:

launch init function on each obj contained in visObjs
will try to find a custAttribute containing a "vis_*" parameter
plugin Helper visHelper
classID:#(0x2651bdea, 0x204587d4)
local lastSize
parameters pblock rollout:params
size type:#float animatable:true ui:amount default:1.0
visObjs type:#maxObjectTab tabSizeVariable:true
fn cleanList =
goodObjs = for obj in visObjs where obj.node != undefined collect obj
visObjs.count = 0
for i in 1 to goodObjs.count do 
( visObjs[i] = goodObjs[i] )
fn loadEvent unload:false =
if (visObjs.count > 0) then
initObjs = #()
-- loop trougth visObjs
for v in 1 to visObjs.count do
if ( isValidNode visObjs[v].node ) do
	curObj = visObjs[v].node
	found = false
	-- build search array
	searchArray = #(curObj)
	for m in 1 to curObj.modifiers.count do ( append searchArray curObj.modifiers[m])
	-- search for master subAnim
	rMod = undefined
	curSubAnim = undefined
	curSubObjs = undefined
	for m in 1 to searchArray.count do
	 curMod = searchArray[m]
	 try (curSubObjs = curMod.visObjs) catch ()
	 caCount = custAttributes.count curMod 
	 for sub in 1 to caCount do
	 curCA = custAttributes.get curMod sub
	 for c in 1 to curCA.numsubs do
		 curControl = (getSubAnim curCA c)
		 if ( not found ) do
		 if (matchPattern pattern:"vis_*") do
		 curSubAnim = curControl
		 rMod = curMod
		 found = true
	-- add it to initObjs list if we found a valid visibility custAttribute
	if ( curSubAnim != undefined and curSubObjs != undefined ) do
	 ( append initObjs rMod )
	-- init those modifiers
	if (unload) then
	 ( for m in initObjs do m.uninit() )
	 ( for m in initObjs do m.init() )
(format "visibilityHelper error: %" "No visibility objects!")
print "loadEvent finished"
fn addObj obj =
addState = true
for i in 1 to visObjs.count do ( if visObjs[i].node == obj do addState = false )
if addState do
( append visObjs (NodeTransformMonitor node:obj forwardTransformChangeMsgs:false) )
rollout params "visibility Parameters"
Spinner amount "Size:" range:[0, 1e9, 40] align:#right
pickbutton pckAdd "Add object" width:90
on pckAdd picked obj do ( addObj obj )
on getDisplayMesh do 
if (meshObj == undefined) do 
meshObj = createInstance sphere radius:size segs:4
lastSize = size
if size != lastSize do 
meshObj = createInstance sphere radius:size segs:4
lastSize = size
on postLoad do
( loadEvent() )
on deleted do 
( loadEvent unload:true)
tool create 
on mousePoint click do 
nodeTM.translation = gridPoint;
visDef = attributes "visibilityHelperDef"
parameters pblock rollout:params
vis_IK type:#float animatable:true ui:IKFKSld default:0.0
visObjs type:#maxObjectTab tabSizeVariable:true
self type:#maxObject
fn cleanList =
goodObjs = for obj in visObjs where obj.node != undefined collect obj
visObjs.count = 0
for i in 1 to goodObjs.count do 
( visObjs[i] = goodObjs[i] )
fn findVisParam =
try ( return (getSubAnim (custAttributes.get self.node.modifiers[1] 1) 1) )
catch ( return undefined )
fn visFunc =
stateVis = true
slid = findVisParam()
if (slid.value > 0.9) do stateVis = false
for obj in visObjs do ( try(obj.node.ishidden = not stateVis) catch () )
fn setSelf obj =
( self = NodeTransformMonitor node:obj forwardTransformChangeMsgs:false )
fn init =
slid = findVisParam()
if ( slid != undefined ) do
( when parameters slid changes id:#visWhen do ( visFunc() ) )
fn uninit =
( deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#visWhen )
fn addVisObj obj =
addState = true
for i in 1 to visObjs.count do ( if visObjs[i].node == obj do addState = false )
if addState do
( append visObjs (NodeTransformMonitor node:obj forwardTransformChangeMsgs:false) )
rollout params "visibility Parameters"
slider IKFKSld "IK" range:[0.0, 1.0, 0.0] align:#left
delete $*
VisObj = visHelper()
FKObj = circle radius:2 name:"FK"
IKObj = circle radius:2.5 name:"IK"
addModifier FKObj (EmptyModifier())
custAttributes.add FKObj.modifiers[1] visDef
FKObj.modifiers[1].setSelf FKObj
FKObj.modifiers[1].addVisObj IKObj
addModifier IKObj (EmptyModifier())
custAttributes.add IKObj.modifiers[1] visDef
IKObj.modifiers[1].setSelf IKObj
IKObj.modifiers[1].addVisObj FKObj
-- add controller as vis Objs
VisObj.params.pckAdd.picked FKObj
VisObj.params.pckAdd.picked IKObj
saveMaxFile "C:\	est.max"
loadMaxFile "C:\	est.max"

launch and reload created scene

1 Reply

more information:
that’s not the when handler who crash max because even when init function doesn’t do anything, it also crash.

Crash came from the plugin helper itself, oops!
Problem solved!