[Closed] Plugin extends Edit_Poly error
i’m trying to make a modifier plugin but i’m getting some problems with that.
The plugin extends an Editable_Poly without it’s user interface.
When i try to access something like “object.modifiers[#pluginName].edit_poly.getNumVertices()” it returns “0” instead of the right value.
If i try to set the position of any vertex with “object.modifiers[#pluginName].edit_poly.setVert vert pos” it does not move.
If the ui is set to true it works but with the ui:false it doesn’t, any idea of why this is happening?
I’m trying to make something similar to a morpher and i thing the best way of implementing it is with a pluging extending an edit_poly, do you have in mind another solution for implementing that?
Some Edit_Poly methods work only if the Modifier currently opened in modifier panel and its UI shown up. So if you want to use delegated to your plug-in Edit_Poly functionality you have to make plug-in with [b]extended UI /b.
If you want to make something like “morpher” (that means that the plug-in doesn’t change mesh topology), you can use SimpleMod (deformation type) modifier.