[Closed] Please help me with my rough scripted shell modifier
Hi, since a while I’m trying to figure out the way to make a custom shell modifier, basically I need to do a “multi-layer” shell with straight corners (I have to apply it on hard surfaces and I need constant thickness) and the lack of an option to shell a selected face is forcing me to make my own tool.
I made this rough script but my knowledge on math and coding is very basic so I’m screaming for help because I really need this.
plugin simpleMeshMod TheShell01
name:"ShellTEST 01"
classID:#(0x39BBE432, 0x320D6842)
parameters main rollout:params
offSetValue type:#float ui:offValue
rollout params "Parameters"
Spinner offValue "Amout: " range:[1,1000,0]
on modifyMesh do
local theMesh = copy mesh
--This copy will be used as the other face of the mesh
local offMesh = copy mesh
local numVerts = getNumVerts offMesh
for nVert = 1 to numVerts do
vertFaces = meshOp.getFacesUsingVert offMesh nVert
Facesnormals = #()
for i in vertFaces do
currentFace = getFaceNormal theMesh i
I collect only unique normal values because equal vectors will affect the
average when divided into total amount, unless I do some weighted average
appendIfUnique FacesNormals currentFace
tNormal = [0,0,0]
for n in FacesNormals do ( tNormal +=n )
--current vertex resulting offset direction (normalized)
CurrentVertNormal = normalize( tNormal / FacesNormals.count )
VertPOS = ( meshop.getVert offMesh nVert )
--Applying distance to the new direction of the current vertex
ScaledVertNormal = CurrentVertNormal*OffsetValue
--Dot product between new direction vector and any normal of a face using this vertex
--the resulting factor should be applied to the distance of the new vertex direction
--(diagonal) so the the thickness of the mesh equals the OffsetValue. (I think)
dotV = dot CurrentVertNormal FacesNormals[1]
ScaledVertNormal = (CurrentVertNormal*OffsetValue)/dotV
--Translate current vertex to the new distance at new direction
newVertPos = ( VertPos + ScaledVertNormal ) --*theMesh.transform
meshop.setVert offMesh nVert ( newVertPos )
--Adjust normals of the two meshes
if offsetValue > 0 then
meshop.flipNormals theMesh #{1..theMesh.numfaces}
meshop.flipNormals offMesh #{1..offMesh.numfaces}
--collect open edges so I can stitch them
openEdges1 = (meshop.getOpenEdges theMesh) as array
edgesCount = openEdges1.count
meshOp.attach theMesh offMesh
openEdges2 = (meshop.getOpenEdges theMesh) as array
for n = 1 to edgesCount do (deleteItem openEdges2 1)
for nEdg = 1 to edgesCount do
--Edge by edge loop to make the stitch
eV1 = meshop.getVertsUsingEdge theMesh openEdges1[nEdg] as array
eV2 = meshop.getVertsUsingEdge theMesh openEdges2[nEdg] as array
meshop.createPolygon theMesh ( eV1 + #(eV2[2]) + #(eV2[1]) )
--unify normals because my code is not well resolved
meshop.unifyNormals theMesh #{1..theMesh.numfaces}
setMesh mesh TheMesh
My question is
Could you please help me to improve the result?
Could you please help me to make it work faster?
Could you please help me to translate it into MCG (I still don’t get that stuff, I guess It would be better but I find it to disruptive for my brain)
I really really thanks you for ANY help
Ok, I’m guessing this is not an interesting post.
Could anyone please tell me how can I get a function similar to “meshOp.getFacesUsingVert” in MCG, or where to read about it?
If at least would be possible to have decent help file for this tool…