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[Closed] Please Help? Moving Objects With Images

Almost to the finish LINE!!

converttomesh p
$Plane:Plane01 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
$Editable_Mesh:Plane01 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000] – I also manually applied a Bitmap Diffuse Map to the obj
theMapFace = meshop.getmapface p 1 1
MapCoord = meshop.getmapvert p 1 theMapFace.x
xBitmap = $.material.diffuseMap.bitmap
BitMap:C:\Documents and Settings\3D\Desktop est2.jpg
xColor = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoord.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoord.y)] 1
#((color 255 223 92))
And now to figure out how to dissect this unique value like name.x / name.y / name.z… Too bad xColor.r /xColor.g / xColor.b doesnt work


#((color 255 223 92))

GetPixels returns an array.

xColor[1].r acesses the r component of the first index.

Heres a first full version of the script… It still doesnt work right though… still tweaking. Some values were not in or manually set due to the incomplete floating panel connection.

tstart = 0
tend = 100
tinter = 5
LMax = 100
LMin = 0
Axial = 3
Objlist = for obj in selection collect obj

animate on
for t = tstart to tend by tinter do – value determined by user interface (time start/end/interval)

at time t
Inpos = for obj in selection collect obj.pos

for i = 1 to Objlist.count do
Objlist[i].pos = Inpos[i] – Resets Object to initial position
Tmesh = SnapshotasMesh Objlist[i]
Tvalue = 0

For ff = 1 to Tmesh.NumFaces do
[size=1]theMapFace = meshop.getmapface Tmesh 1 ff

MapCoordx = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.x
MapCoordy = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.y
MapCoordz = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.z
xColor1 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoordx.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoordx.y)] 1

xColor2 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoordy.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoordy.y)] 1

xColor3 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoordz.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoordz.y)] 1

Scolor1 = xColor1 [1]
Scolor2 = xColor2 [1]
Scolor3 = xColor3 [1]
Acolor1 = (Scolor1.r + Scolor1.g + Scolor1.b) / 3
Acolor2 = (Scolor2.r + Scolor2.g + Scolor2.b) / 3
Acolor3 = (Scolor3.r + Scolor3.g + Scolor3.b) / 3
Fvalue = (Acolor1 + Acolor2 +Acolor3) / 3
TValue = Tvalue + Fvalue

Avalue = Tvalue / Tmesh.numfaces
Vchange = (StpV*Avalue)+Lmin – Determine the amount to change within the limits

if Axial==1 then (objList[i].pos.x= objList[i].pos.x + Vchange)
if Axial==2 then (objList[i].pos.y= objList[i].pos.y + Vchange)
if Axial==3 then (objList[i].pos.z= objList[i].pos.z + Vchange)




For some reason the initial position doesnt store correctly. I might have to split the loops up for easier tweaking. Bitmap was set by hand typo. UV was manually set by applying a UVW map as an instance to mulitple objects and collasped

Heres an edited version ^^ IT WORKS!! Well… sadly only for the first frame… The array of objects actually move as I want it … However, I need to find some command to make it realise that the Bitmap is not a still but an animated image… Any ideas??

tstart = 0

tend = 250

tinter = 5

LMax = 200

LMin = 0

Axial = 3

StpV = 256.000000/(LMax-LMin)

Objlist = for obj in selection collect obj

Inpos = for obj in selection collect obj.pos

animate on


for t = tstart to tend by tinter do – value determined by user interface (time start/end/interval)


at time t

for i = 1 to Objlist.count do


Objlist[i].pos = Inpos[i] – Resets Object to initial position

Tmesh = SnapshotasMesh Objlist[i]

Tvalue = 0

For ff = 1 to Tmesh.NumFaces do


theMapFace = meshop.getmapface Tmesh 1 ff

MapCoordx = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.x

MapCoordy = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.y

MapCoordz = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.z

xColor1 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoordx.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoordx.y)] 1

xColor2 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoordy.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoordy.y)] 1

xColor3 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoordz.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoordz.y)] 1

Scolor1 = xColor1 [1]

Scolor2 = xColor2 [1]

Scolor3 = xColor3 [1]

Acolor1 = (Scolor1.r + Scolor1.g + Scolor1.b) / 3

Acolor2 = (Scolor2.r + Scolor2.g + Scolor2.b) / 3

Acolor3 = (Scolor3.r + Scolor3.g + Scolor3.b) / 3

Fvalue = (Acolor1 + Acolor2 +Acolor3) / 3

TValue = Tvalue + Fvalue


Avalue = Tvalue / Tmesh.numfaces

Vchange = (Avalue/StpV)+Lmin – Determine the amount to change within the limits

if Axial==1 then (objList[i].pos.x= objList[i].pos.x + Vchange)

if Axial==2 then (objList[i].pos.y= objList[i].pos.y + Vchange)

if Axial==3 then (objList[i].pos.z= objList[i].pos.z + Vchange)





Below is the working script… now all it needs is some floatin panels for controls and some refinements

tstart = 0
tend = 250
tinter = 3
LMax = 20
LMin = -50
Axial = 3
StpV = 256.000000/(LMax-LMin)
Objlist = for obj in selection collect obj
Inpos = for obj in selection collect obj.pos
animate on
for t = tstart to tend by tinter do – value determined by user interface (time start/end/interval)
at time t
slidertime = t
for i = 1 to Objlist.count do
Objlist[i].pos = Inpos[i] – Resets Object to initial position
Tmesh = SnapshotasMesh Objlist[i]
Tvalue = 0
xBitmap = objlist[i].material.diffuseMap.bitmap
For ff = 1 to Tmesh.NumFaces do
theMapFace = meshop.getmapface Tmesh 1 ff
MapCoordx = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.x
MapCoordy = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.y
MapCoordz = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.z

 xColor1 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.width*MapCoordx.x), (xBitmap.height - xBitmap.height*MapCoordx.y)] 1
 xColor2 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.width*MapCoordy.x), (xBitmap.height - xBitmap.height*MapCoordy.y)] 1
 xColor3 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.width*MapCoordz.x), (xBitmap.height - xBitmap.height*MapCoordz.y)] 1

 Scolor1 = xColor1 [1]
 Scolor2 = xColor2 [1]
 Scolor3 = xColor3 [1]
 Acolor1 = (Scolor1.r + Scolor1.g + Scolor1.b) / 3
 Acolor2 = (Scolor2.r + Scolor2.g + Scolor2.b) / 3
 Acolor3 = (Scolor3.r + Scolor3.g + Scolor3.b) / 3
 Fvalue = (Acolor1 + Acolor2 +Acolor3) / 3   
 TValue = Tvalue + Fvalue
Avalue = Tvalue / Tmesh.numfaces
Vchange = (Avalue/StpV)+Lmin  -- Determine the amount to change within the limits
if Axial==1 then (objList[i].pos.x= objList[i].pos.x + Vchange)
if Axial==2 then (objList[i].pos.y= objList[i].pos.y + Vchange)
if Axial==3 then (objList[i].pos.z= objList[i].pos.z + Vchange)



I’ve added an interface to the script for ease of control…
However I seem to have encountered some problems… The loaded Bitmap does not seem to load according to the timeline… Thus the animation only worked for the 1st frame…

Any ideas?

Axial = 1

Stime = 0

Etime = 100

Itime = 1

LMaxi = 50

LMini = 0

rollout BitMov “Bit.Mover Ultility v1.0” width:168 height:344


spinner TimeS “” pos:[48,126] width:104 height:16 range:[0,1000,0]

spinner TimeE “” pos:[48,150] width:104 height:16 range:[0,1000,100]

spinner TimeI “” pos:[80,174] width:72 height:16 range:[1,100,1]

button Simual “Animate” pos:[15,32] width:138 height:24

spinner Maxi “Maximum” pos:[24,232] width:128 height:16 range:[-1000,1000,50]

spinner Mini “Minimum” pos:[24,256] width:128 height:16 range:[-1000,1000,0]

Mapbutton BitSet “Select Bitmap” pos:[15,64] width:138 height:24

groupBox grp1 “Animation Range” pos:[8,104] width:152 height:96

groupBox grp2 “Controls” pos:[8,16] width:152 height:80

groupBox grp3 “Limits” pos:[8,208] width:152 height:72

groupBox grp4 “Animation Axis” pos:[8,288] width:152 height:40

radioButtons SAxis “” pos:[40,304] width:97 height:16 labels:#(“X”, “Y”, “Z”) columns:3

label lbl1 “End” pos:[16,150] width:24 height:16

label lbl2 “Start” pos:[16,126] width:24 height:16

label lbl3 “Key Interval” pos:[15,174] width:62 height:16

on TimeS changed val do


if TimeS.value >= TimeE.value do


Messagebox “Invalid Simulation Start Time!”

TimeS.value = TimeE.value – 1


Stime = TimeS.value


on TimeE changed val do


if TimeE.value <= TimeS.value do


Messagebox “Invalid Simulation End Time!”

TimeE.value = TimeS.value + 1


Etime = TimeE.value


on TimeI changed val do


If TimeE.value – TimeS.Value <= TimeI.value do


Messagebox “No frames will be generated for this Interval!”


Itime = TimeI.value


on Simual pressed do


if pBitmap == undefined do


Messagebox “No Bitmap Assigned. Simulation Halted”


if pBitmap != undefined do


tstart = Stime

tend = Etime

tinter = ITime

LMax = LMaxi

LMin = LMini

StpV = 256.000000/(LMax – LMin)

Objlist = for obj in selection collect obj

Inpos = for obj in selection collect obj.pos

animate on


for t = tstart to tend by tinter do – value determined by user interface (time start/end/interval)


at time t

slidertime = t

xBitmap = pbitmap.bitmap

for i = 1 to Objlist.count do


Objlist[i].pos = Inpos[i] – Resets Object to initial position

Tmesh = SnapshotasMesh Objlist[i]

Tvalue = 0

For ff = 1 to Tmesh.NumFaces do


theMapFace = meshop.getmapface Tmesh 1 ff

MapCoordx = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.x

MapCoordy = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.y

MapCoordz = meshop.getmapvert Tmesh 1 theMapFace.z

xColor1 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoordx.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoordx.y)] 1

xColor2 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoordy.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoordy.y)] 1

xColor3 = GetPixels xBitmap [(xBitmap.widthMapCoordz.x), (xBitmap.height – xBitmap.heightMapCoordz.y)] 1

Scolor1 = xColor1 [1]

Scolor2 = xColor2 [1]

Scolor3 = xColor3 [1]

Acolor1 = (Scolor1.r + Scolor1.g + Scolor1.b) / 3

Acolor2 = (Scolor2.r + Scolor2.g + Scolor2.b) / 3

Acolor3 = (Scolor3.r + Scolor3.g + Scolor3.b) / 3

Fvalue = (Acolor1 + Acolor2 +Acolor3) / 3

TValue = Tvalue + Fvalue


Avalue = Tvalue / Tmesh.numfaces

Vchange = (Avalue/StpV)+Lmin – Determine the amount to change within the limits

if Axial==1 then (objList[i].pos.x= objList[i].pos.x + Vchange)

if Axial==2 then (objList[i].pos.y= objList[i].pos.y + Vchange)

if Axial==3 then (objList[i].pos.z= objList[i].pos.z + Vchange)






on BitSet picked texmap do


pBitmap = texmap

BitSet.text = “Bitmap Selected”


on Maxi changed val do


if Maxi.value <= Mini.value do


Messagebox “Invalid Maximum Limit!”

Maxi.value = Mini.value + 10


LMaxi = Maxi.value


on Mini changed val do


if Mini.value >= Maxi.value do


Messagebox “Invalid Minimum Limit!”

Mini.value = Maxi.value – 10


LMini = Mini.value


On SAxis changed state do


Axial = SAxis.state



createDialog BitMov 168 344


Any ideas?

You could add a button to pick the base grid and another to pick the object/a group of objects to be instanced to the points.

But this wasn’t the question …


Hey rdg ^^ glad to see that your still here

hmm If i were to instance those objects again, it would greatly limit the amount of geometry I can process would it not? (memory consuming factor)

Comparing what I did before and after…

xBitmap = objlist[i].material.diffuseMap.bitmap


on BitSet picked texmap do

pBitmap = texmap
BitSet.text = “Bitmap Selected”
xBitmap = pbitmap.bitmap

If I had chosen to use the applied diffusemap bitmap of the selected objects, it reloads the frames correctly on each and every frame… However, when I added the interface, I also changed the source of this image to one that can be user selected w/o the need to affect the original texture of the mesh.

It loads correctly, but can seem to load the frames correct (it only loads the first frame)

How can I script it to ask the Bitmap function to head to its next frame?? GoToFrame and <Bitmap>.frame gives me runtime errors as they cannot work on avi and mov files


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