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[Closed] Placing points along spline at even distance between them

let’s bring the test to a unified form of solution…

it has to be a function with at least two parameters – the spline and the fixed distance between points on the spline.
The function has to return all found points in the world space. The function can have any extra optional arguments to make calculation more accurate.

fn scatterPointsOnSpline sp dist tolerance:0.001 = 
	-- ...

here is my solution:

fn scatterPointsOnSpline sp dist tolerance:0.001 = 
	len = curveLength sp
	t = 0.0
	d = 0.0
	current = interpCurve3D sp 1 t pathParam:off
	points = #(current)
	while t < 1.0 do
		t += (dist - d)/len  
		t = amin t 1.0
		p = interpCurve3D sp 1 t pathParam:off
		d = distance current p
		if d >= dist - tolerance do
			current = p
			append points current
			d = 0.0

/************** TEST **************/
	delete helpers 
	t0 = timestamp()
	h0 = heapfree

	points = scatterPointsOnSpline $ 33.0 tolerance:0.001

	format "time:% heap:%" (timestamp() - t0) (h0 - heapfree) 
	dd = for k=1 to points.count collect 
		point pos:points[k] wirecolor:orange
		if k > 1 then distance points[k-1] points[k] else dontcollect
	format " >> %\n" #(dd.count, amin dd, amax dd)

PS. spline index set to 1 (of course we can pass the index to the function)

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

The “one step closer” solution!
Really clever. Fast and few memory. As always, you win.
I just see two problems… well, two and a half.

  • For some combinations of length-dist-tolerance it freeze as Serejah’s said. It can be solved with double values to avoid freezing, but as it’s again a problem of mantissa, the upper maximum value won’t reach the tolerance. But it’s good enough in most cases (probably in all real cases).
  • The “half” problem is, due to the first one, you can get a different number of points (+1 or 2) if you change the tolerance to more accurate once reached the mantissa limit. Again, I don’t think it should be a problem for real cases
  • The second problem, with worse solution, is that if the spline is scaled to bigger, the given result is not the good solution, as for 3dsMax the spline length remains the same (and scaling splines is not perfect). If it’s scaled to lower it works because the script can’t find more points (takes more time but gives the good result).

Yes, that’s the solution to avoid freezing

	fn scatterPointsOnSpline sp dist tolerance:0.001 = 
		tolerance = tolerance  as double
		len = (curveLength sp) as double
		t = 0.0 as double
		d = 0.0 as double
		current = interpCurve3D sp 1 t pathParam:off
		points = #(current)
		while t < 1.0 do
			t += (dist - d)/len  
			t = amin t 1.0
			p = interpCurve3D sp 1 t pathParam:off
			d = (distance current p) as double
			if d >= dist - tolerance do
				current = p
				append points current
				d = 0.0	

	/************** TEST **************/
		delete helpers 
		t0 = timestamp()
		h0 = heapfree

		points = scatterPointsOnSpline $ 33 tolerance:0.000001

		format "time:% heap:%" (timestamp() - t0) (h0 - heapfree) 
		dd = for k=1 to points.count collect 
			point pos:points[k] wirecolor:orange
			if k > 1 then distance points[k-1] points[k] else dontcollect
		format " >> %\n" #(dd.count, amin dd, amax dd)

It is fast.
Guess t should be double in order not to freeze max on large splines.

Here’s a mixing of the DenisT’s “one step closer” and my bisection way.
Seems not to freeze and supports scaled splines:

	fn scatterPointsOnSpline sp dist tolerance:0.001 = 
		tolerance = tolerance  as double
		len = (curveLength sp) as double
		sc = sp.scale[1]
		x = len / (numSegments sp 1) / dist * 10 / sc;
		step0 = (1.0/ (numSegments sp 1) / x) as double
		t = 0.0 as double
		d = 0.0 as double
		current = interpCurve3D sp 1 t pathParam:on
		points = #(current)
		step = step0 as double
		counter = 0
		while t < 1.0 do
			counter += 1 
			t += step  
			t = amin t 1.0
			p = interpCurve3D sp 1 t pathParam:on
			d = (distance current p) as double
			error = (dist - d) as double
			if abs error <= tolerance then
				current = p
				append points current
				step = step0
				counter = 0		
				if error < 0 do
					t -= step
					step *= 0.5 as double
				if counter > 1000 do
					current = p
					append points current
					step = step0
					counter = 0		

	/************** TEST **************/
		delete helpers 
		t0 = timestamp()
		h0 = heapfree

		points = scatterPointsOnSpline $ 33 tolerance:0.000001

		format "time:% heap:%" (timestamp() - t0) (h0 - heapfree) 
		dd = for k=1 to points.count collect 
			point pos:points[k] wirecolor:orange
			if k > 1 then distance points[k-1] points[k] else dontcollect
		format " >> %\n" #(dd.count, amin dd, amax dd)

if scale is uniform it’s probably enough to make it work as expected

local isUniformScale = sp.scale[1] == sp.scale[2] and sp.scale[2] == sp.scale[3]	
local factor = if isUniformScale then abs sp.scale[1] else 1	
local len = curveLength sp * factor

and the test

for i=1 to 4 do
	c = circle radius:20
	convertToSplineShape c
	c.scale = [0.5 * i, 0.5 * i, 0.5 * i]
	gc();t1=timestamp();hf = heapfree
		pts = scatterPointsOnSpline c 3.0
		for p in pts do point pos:p centermarker:on cross:off wirecolor:yellow
		format "count %\n" pts.count
	format "Time: %sec. Mem: %\n\n" ((timestamp()-t1)/1000 as float) (hf-heapfree)

could you post settings when my algorithm hangs please?

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

If I remember well (I’m not in my desktop), take the second example spline and run the script with dist=300 & tolerance=0.01 (or lesser). Or the first example spline with dist=33 & tolerance=0.000001. Other combinations too.
With double precision it seems to work.

I can’t test it until tomorrow, but have you tried scaling Kostadin’s spline? Functions based on length doesn’t work fine generally when there’s a scale (check result distances).

scaling is not the issue. when can always use a reset-Xform copy

this version doesn’t hang for me… at least i couldn’t find settings to hang:

fn scatterPointsOnSpline sp dist tolerance:0.001 = 
	dist = dist as double	
	len = (curveLength sp) as double
	tolerance = amax tolerance (len * 0.000001d0)
	t = 0.0
	d = 0.0
	current = interpCurve3D sp 1 t pathParam:off
	points = #(current)
	while t < 1.0 and not esc_ do
		t += (dist - d)/len  
		t = amin t 1.0
		p = interpCurve3D sp 1 t pathParam:off
		d = distance current p
		if d >= dist - tolerance do
			current = p
			append points current
			d = 0.0

/************** TEST **************/
	delete helpers 
	c = random red green
	t0 = timestamp()
	h0 = heapfree

	points = scatterPointsOnSpline $ 30.0 tolerance:0.0001

	format "time:% heap:%" (timestamp() - t0) (h0 - heapfree) 
	dd = for k=1 to points.count collect 
		--point pos:points[k] wirecolor:c
		if k > 1 then distance points[k-1] points[k] else dontcollect
	--format " >> %\n" dd
	format " >> %\n" #(dd.count, amin dd, amax dd)

we have to understand that most of MAX SDK functions are made in Float precision.
so there is no sense to ask tolerance to be smaller than ‘allowable error’
because of that i’ve added tolerance correction in case of very long splines. which limits tolerance by minimum as 0.000001 of spline length

now couple words about using fixed step in the algorithm.
i wanted to avoid it because there is no absolutely accurate way to define the step. Anyway it might be a situation that making a step we pass a ‘on distance’ point or might be more than one point inside a step.
in the second case we can’t use bi-search because you can find the second point instead of the first.

as i told many times i always find something interesting and useful in every thread on this forum.
here is very interesting founding… the maxscript doesn’t provide current length for scaled splineshapes.
also it gives the right 3d points for scaled splineshapes in methods: interpCurve3D, interpBezier3D, etc.
but only for pathParam

thanks for this founding! I’ve added to my MXS extension several methods and options to take shape node scale into account. Also I’ve added snapshotAsSplineShape method

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