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[Closed] Pipes Generator

that’s OK. but you have to understand that the sort function executes all its expressions on every call, so:

  fn fnSortValues a b = if  (a.dist < b.dist) then -1 else if  (a.dist > b.dist) then 1 else 0

will be faster

Hum would this work for you ?

fn sortByOrder order1 order2 =
	if order1 != undefined and order2 != undefined then
		Order = (order1.value) > (order2.value)
		case Order of
			true: 1
			false: -1
			default: 0

stArray = #()
valueArray = #(10,5,2,4,1,3,6,9,7,8)
struct theValue (value)
for val in valueArray do
	theSt = theValue()
	theSt.value = val
	append stArray theSt
print stArray
qSort stArray sortByOrder
print stArray

seems to work for me

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Posts: 0

nope … try again

He is trying to sort an array of structs based on the value of one of its parameters I did that , care to enlightenment me on what I am missing here? I know I am doing a different comparison using > instead of – but the idea is the same no?

this is wrong:

 case a < b of
 	   true: -1
 	  false: 1
 	default: 0

it’s sad if you used it in many of your scripts… might be a lot of work to fix …

I could implement this…this scripts creates pipes with a rotated direction towards a targeted object.

Just open the file and run the script.

Try moving around the purple ring and watch the objects be created in the direction of the target. I’m sure Denis will have some clever cleaner way of doing this.

	local pipeNodes = #($pt_start_01,$pt_start_02,$pt_start_03)
	local rots = #(-90,0,90,180)
	local trgt = $target
	struct ThePoint (node, dist, angle)
	fn fnSortValues a b = if  (a.dist < b.dist) then -1 else if  (a.dist > b.dist) then 1 else 0 --sort the rotations in an order to find the closest position
	fn fnRotateTowardsTarget obj = (
		results = #()
		for m = 1 to 8 do (--Calculate the rotations
			obj.transform = (prerotatez  obj.transform 45)
			dist = distance obj.children[1].pos trgt.pos
			append results (ThePoint node:obj dist:dist angle:(m*45))
		qsort results fnSortValues
		print results
		obj.transform = (prerotatez  obj.transform (results[1].angle)) --apply closest rotation

	exPipes = #()
	for i = 1 to 10 do (
		_thePipe = pipeNodes[random 1 pipeNodes.count]--random pipe
		if i == 1 then 
			maxOps.cloneNodes _thePipe expandHierarchy:true cloneType:#copy actualNodeList:&refPipes newNodes:&newPipes
			pipeCtrl = newPipes[1]
			pipeCtrl.transform = copy (prerotatez  (matrix3 1) rots[random 1 rots.count])
			ends = for o in newPipes where findString "end" != 0 collect o
			join exPipes newPipes[2]
			maxOps.cloneNodes _thePipe expandHierarchy:true cloneType:#copy actualNodeList:&refPipes newNodes:&newPipes
			pipeCtrl = newPipes[1]
			tm = exPipes[exPipes.count].transform
			pipeCtrl.transform = copy tm
			fnRotateTowardsTarget pipeCtrl
			join exPipes newPipes[2]
	print exPipes.count

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

I use the method Denis has posted.
Have you guys been able to check this file out and see how it works?

What the script above does, is it takes every pipe and rotates it on an increment of 45 degrees attempting to find the shorts distance between the ‘end helper’ and the target position. Once it finds the shortest distance it will then use that rotation angle to apply to the pipe end.

it does work for me If I qSort an array of random numbers, it will return a properly sorted array. I have no clue why you keep saying it is wrong as I can visually see it is right, If there is a reason of why you say it is wrong regardless of me getting the proper desired result then please explain. You are much, much better at maxScript then I am and I appreciate the help.

heh… this function NEVER returns 0…

Thank you see I never noticed that and have never run into a problem even when having duplicated values in the array it still worked as it should.

Correct code that now returns 0

fn sortByOrder order1 order2 =
	if ((order1.value) < (order2.value)) then 1 else if ((order1.value) > (order2.value)) then -1 else 0

stArray = #()
valueArray = #(10,5,2,4,1,3,6,9,7,8)
struct theValue (value)

for val in valueArray do
	theSt = theValue()
	theSt.value = val
	append stArray theSt

print stArray
qSort stArray sortByOrder
print stArray

and this wont be hard at all to fix in my scripts as any time I used this it called onto a function library!

try it if you have enough free time

arr = for k=1 to 10000 collect (random 1 10)

fn sortIt a b = case a < b of
	   true: -1
	  false: 1
	default: 0
qsort arr sortIt 

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