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[Closed] Pickbutton and select by name

How do I test my scene to see if it has a camera in it so I can put up a messagebox telling the user that they’ll need to create a camera before using the pick button.
How would I include a line in my pickbutton event that will automatically open the select from scene dialogue box.

It would probably be actionMan.executeAction 0 “50029” – Selection: Select By Name

on p_Bt picked obj do
	v_fb.enabled = true
	b_renL.enabled = true 
	b_ren.enabled = true
	go_but.enabled = true


3 Replies
if cameras.count == 0 then ....

Thanks lo I could have sworn that I read you could only use the
actionMan.executeAction 0 “50029” – Selection: Select By Name to get the select by name dialogue I need to pay more attention.

Any idea of how I could incorporate it into a pickbutton event?

I’m assuming that once you had selected your Camera from the select by name dialogue it places it into an array so I would need to iterate over the selection to get the camera to make it the active window and point it to my render code:-

render s_W.value s_H.value camera:??? to:b_Bm vfb:v_fb.state – render to bitmap frame

Thanks Luke