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[Closed] PickPoint() Help Please

Hi all

I am using the pickpoint function and am getting strange results when using it in the front or left viewports.


what is the e-006 number on the Y axis.



4 Replies
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Joined: 11 months ago

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This is a number that is very very close to 0.0.
-2.7043 * 10^-006 = -0.0000027043

Usually caused by a round-off error.

Thanks bobo that explains the problem , have you any suggestions how i can force the number to round up or down correctly without giving an error?

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Max (MAXScript) can handle that number without problems.
You can type in the Listener of your script
and the result will be

Of course, you could compare the components of the result to a threshold and make them 0.0 if the value is lower.

For example

fn roundOffPoint3 theValue theThresh =
if abs theValue.x < theThresh do theValue.x = 0
if abs theValue.y < theThresh do theValue.y = 0
if abs theValue.z < theThresh do theValue.z = 0

roundOffPoint3 [-164.272,-2.7043e-006,61.8673] 0.00001

Also, Larry’s Avguard DLX extension has a functionc alled CloseEnough that can be used to do such comparisons.

You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo the man. Thanks for all your help

