[Closed] Pflow emmiter assign
please tell me how to assign object emmiter for Particleflow trough the max script?
Please try to explain yourself a bit better now, and the next time (what are you doing, what have you tried you know the standard forum guidelines for asking questions)…
Anyways to the point Object Emitter? as in position_object or the particle shape?
show $‘Position Object 01’
.Lock_On_Emitter : boolean
.Inherit_Emitter_Movement : boolean
.Multiplier : percent
.Variation : percent
[color=orange].Emitter_Objects : node array
.Animated_Shape : boolean
.Subframe_Sampling : boolean
.Location : integer
.Use_Surface_Offset : boolean
.Surface_Offset_Minimum : worldUnits
.Surface_Offset_Maximum : worldUnits
.Density_By_Emitter_Material : boolean
.Density_Type : integer
.Use_Sub_Material : boolean
.Material_ID : integer
.Apart_Placement : boolean
.Apart_Distance : worldUnits
.Distinct_Points_Only : boolean
.Total_Distinct_Points : integer
.Delete : boolean
.Random_Seed : integer
.Maximum_Number_of_Attempts : integer[/color]$‘Position Object 01’.Emitter_Objects = #($Box01)
#($Box:Box01 @ [21.844681,-34.154053,0.000000])