[Closed] Passing old Material values to new Material
Hey guys. I was researching on how to pass user set tiling values set in a Checker material. Basically I am writing a script for a specific render pass, however it requires materials to be turning into a Shellac, however in testing we need some of the ‘old’ Material vaules passed on to the new Material, this is what I came up with…
if (classof meditMaterials[i]) == Standardmaterial then
-- Grab a reference to the current material
local mOld = meditMaterials[i]
--lets grab diffuse tiling 1st
local texTilingU = mOld.coords.U_Tiling
local texTilingV = mOld.coords.V_Tiling
local sName = mOld.name
-- Create our new material
local mNew = (Shellac name:sName)
local iSufix = (substring sName 6 sName.count) as integer
if iSufix != undefined and iSufix < 999 then
local F = iSufix/1.0 --grabbing suffix for use of color ID
IDcolor = (color 0 0 F) --setting color ID
mNew.shellacColorBlend = 100
mNew.shellacMtl1 = Standardmaterial () --setting up the added layer
mNew.shellacMtl2 = Standardmaterial () --setting up the added layer
mNew.shellacMtl2.Diffuse = IDcolor
mNew.shellacMtl2.ambient = IDcolor
mNew.shellacMtl1.coords.U_Tiling = texTilingU
mNew.shellacMtl2.coords.V_Tiling = texTilingV
replaceInstances mOld mNew
However, while this doesn’t work, I already see a problem. I am going through a bunch of materials, how do I store values for each of those and pass them consecutively? I assume I can figure out how to pass vaules for say material[1], but material[i], the entire array of materials. I could place a if query in there, say if tiling is greater than 1 store it, otherwise ignore.
so I decided to see if I could start at a simpler step,
for i = 1 to MeditMaterials.count do
if classof MeditMaterials[1] == (Standard) then
texTilingU = meditMaterials[1].coords.U_Tiling
print texTilingU
I was hoping to at least print the value, but even that I am doing wrong
Ok Bixel I am willing to help you, but you will have to do some stuff if you want my help. This should help you to understand how to use maxscript and get the information you need from the maxscript help.
- Answer and Do what I ask you to do, if I feel the response is incomplete or you didn’t do what I asked then I will stop helping you.
- No one else gives you the answers to your problems or my questions. You won’t learn anything if someone is giving you the answers.
First Question:
Why is you code in a for loop when you are not calling the variable (in your code i) inside the loop?
Second Question:
Search the Maxscript Help and tell me every page that uses “coords”. Now look at your code. Why is it not working?
OK! Why am I using a for i in such and such? Becuase later I am going to search through all the materials by name (all these scripts I have to do require this -not my idea), search all material properties by type, if certain type grab some of their user settings (ie. coords) store them, and pass it on IF I have to destroy and make a new material. So the i will not be used immediatly but further down the line of code.
However I followed your advice and I have learned some stuff.
this is very helpful >>>> showProperties (Standard())
this line, texTilingU = meditMaterials[1].coords.U_Tiling
needs to be
texTilingU = meditMaterials[1].diffusemap.coords.U_Tiling
so now that the above was printing, I tried to take the code the next step forward
texTilingU = meditMaterials[1].diffusemap.coords.U_Tiling
texTilingV = meditMaterials[1].diffusemap.coords.V_Tiling
mOld = meditMaterials[1]
mNew = (Shellac())
setup = 0
if setup == 0 then
mNew.shellacMtl1 = Standardmaterial () --setting up the added layer
mNew.shellacMtl2 = Standardmaterial () --setting up the added layer
mNew.shellacMtl1.diffusemap.coords.U_Tiling = texTilingU
mNew.shellacMtl1.diffusemap.coords.V_Tiling = texTilingV
replaceInstances mOld mNew
setup = 1
however, its finding coords as undefined, but the MacroRecorder sees it
when I am manually changing values.
btw why does MacroRecorder show this stuff .shellacMtl1[#Maps][#Diffuse_Colo…]
and not this .shellacMtl1.diffuseMap.coords…?
ok, I figured it out. I had to at least assign it a diffuseMap before altering its properties. This works perfectly.
texTilingU = meditMaterials[1].diffusemap.coords.U_Tiling
texTilingV = meditMaterials[1].diffusemap.coords.V_Tiling
mOld = meditMaterials[1]
mNew = (Shellac())
setup = 0
if setup == 0 then
mNew.shellacColorBlend = 100
mNew.shellacMtl1 = Standardmaterial () --setting up the added layer
mNew.shellacMtl2 = Standardmaterial () --setting up the added layer
mNew.shellacMtl1.diffuseMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:"E:\3dsmax9\maps\35-DarkWood.jpg"
mNew.shellacMtl1.diffusemap.coords.U_Tiling = texTilingU
mNew.shellacMtl1.diffusemap.coords.V_Tiling = texTilingV
replaceInstances mOld mNew
setup = 1
now I just have to figure out how to pass info along several Materials, not just meditmaterials[1] but meditmaterials[i]
Well think about it. If what you are looking for is not there, then how would you be able to get its properties?
Check the Maxscript Reference for “StandardMaterial” and look for the .maps property. What you are seeing is the properties as “Name Values”, look for that in the Maxscript reference. That is just another way to access the same information.