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[Closed] Particles inheriting visibility from emitter


i’m working on a small script here and I’m stuck. I would appreciate some pointers to figure this out.

I’m generating particles with a PF Source. They are generated at an emitter object called myEmitter. This object’s visibility is animated (it appears and disappears). I want the generated particles to inherit the emitter’s visibility at the time they were generated.

Or plain human language: I’m using the particle system to create a long-exposure effect of a car’s headlamps (like this) and I want to animate the turn signals on the car as well.

This is what I got:

on Proceed pCont do
  	count = pCont.NumParticles()
  	the_source = $myEmitter
  	for i in 1 to count do
  		pCont.particleIndex = i
  		if pCont.particleAge == 0 do
  			pCont.visibility = bezier_float()
  			pCont.visibility.controller.value = the_source.visibility.controller.value
  		)--end if age
  	)--end i loop
  )--end on

But it doesn’t seem to work. I’m guessing that there is no such thing as pCont.visibility. Is there anything I can do? The only other solution I can think of is to animate the particle’s material, link a particle’s age to that material animation and use particle age to control the particle’s transparency. But it seems quite convoluted and I don’t want to start messing around with it until I’m sure there is no other possibility. I would appreciate any input.

4 Replies

You could go that route or use something like Ghost Trails (commercial) or Trail (freeware), which will do trails for you.


Cool! These will come in handy when I make the next scenes. Thanks!

However, I don’t want to redo this scene so I solved it using an animated texture tied to particle age. Still, this seems QUITE cumbersome to me. I also would like to know for the future: is there REALLY no other way to control the transparency of a particle?! 🙁

The only way I know is through materials, it is like a sub object of a mesh/poly object. You can only control its transparency through materials/maps. In reality particles are a subobject of the system that created them. There is no visibility parameter per particle. The only other option I can think of would be through scaling by age.


Wow, that’s surprisingy inflexible. But thanks for clearing that up.

By the way, I realized that I misunderstood fundamentally how partcile scripts work. The example above is awfully wrong. Here is a working one. It is also a simpler solution. Instead of a script operator this is just a birth script. It simply stops emitting particles when a specific object is invisible. I may not have transparency but since I animate a turn signal, it’s all I really need.

on ChannelsUsed pCont do
 	 pCont.useTime = true
 	 pCont.useAge = true
 on Init pCont do 
 on Proceed pCont do 
 	t1 = pCont.getTimeStart() as float
 	t2 = pCont.getTimeEnd() as float
 	if (t1 < -50*(4800/25)) then (t1 = -50*(4800/25)) 
 	if (t2 < 100*(4800/25)) do -- 100 frames
 		for i in (t1/8+1) to (t2/8) do
 			curTime = 8*i as float
 			curFrame = curTime/(4800/25)
 			at time curFrame 
 				myVis = $myEmitter.visibility.controller.value
 			if myVis != 0 do (
 				pCont.particleIndex = pCont.NumParticles() -- last particle that was added
 				pCont.particleTime = curTime/(4800/25)
 				pCont.particleAge = 0
 on Release pCont do 

Note that I use 25FPS. Emitting starts at -50 and ends at 100.