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[Closed] Particle flow script hanging max 2011
Aug 19, 2010 12:12 pm
Hi all,
I have a simple script that bakes particle positions to objects which works fine in max 2009 but hangs max in 2011 bot 32 and 64 bit…
It’s used in a script operator…
on ChannelsUsed pCont do
pCont.usePosition = true
pCont.useSpeed = true
pCont.useSpin = true
pCont.useTM = true
on Init pCont do
local pfSource = $PF Source 01' -- rename PF Source 01 to the name of the particle flow source object
local pfEvent = pfSource.'Event 01' -- rename Event 01 to the name of the event you're baking from
local birthGroupArray = pfEvent.Birth_Group_01.Particle_Objects -- rename Birth_Group_01 to the anem of the birth operator in the even you're baking from and spaces my be replaced with _
global RENAME_ME_Array = for i = birthGroupArray.count to 1 by -1 collect birthGroupArray[i] -- rename RENAME_ME_Array to a unique name for each event
on Proceed pCont do
local count = pCont.NumParticles() -- get the total number of particles in the event
local integrationStepLength = (pCont.GetTimeEnd() - pCont.GetTimeStart()) as float -- get the integration step
for i in 1 to count do -- loop through all the particles in the event
pCont.particleIndex = i -- set the index
if currentTime > 0 then -- make sure we don't overwrite the object transform for frame 0 so that we have a safe frame incase something goes wrong
with animate on
local newSpin = pCont.particleSpin -- get a copy of the particle spin at the start of the frame
newSpin.angle *= integrationStepLength -- multiply with the integration step to get the particle rotation at the end of the frame
local spinMatrix = newSpin as matrix3
local oldTM = pCont.particleTM
oldTM.row4 = [0, 0, 0]
local newTM = oldTM * spinMatrix
newTM.row4 = (pCont.particlePosition + integrationStepLength * pCont.particleSpeed) -- calculate the position at the end of the frame
RENAME_ME_Array[i].transform = newTM -- make sure you replace RENAME_ME_Array with the unique name above
on Release pCont do
The problem line appears to be…
RENAME_ME_Array[i].transform = newTM -- make sure you replace RENAME_ME_Array with the unique name above
If I comment that out and run in max 2011, everything is ok though obviously the objects are not baked so I’m guessing that something has changed between versions. Does anyone have any clue whats wrong?
1 Reply
Aug 19, 2010 12:12 pm
On further investigation, I can print properties from RENAME_ME_Array[i] e.g…
print RENAME_ME_Array[i].transform
print RENAME_ME_Array[i].pos
But I cannot set properties without it hanging e.g…
RENAME_ME_Array[i].pos = [0,0,0]
I’m stumped