[Closed] Particle Flow Spliner question
pf = $
i2 = 1
pTest = false
endOfPFAnimation = 100
endFrame = 100
fIncrmnt = 2sliderTime = endOfPFAnimation
while not pTest do
pf.particleIndex = i2
if pf.particlePosition == [0,0,0] then
pTest = true
global numParts = i2 – 1
i2 += 1
for i in 1 to numParts do
newShp = splineShape()
addNewSpline newShp
newShp.name = (“ParticleSpline_” + i as string)
for t in 0 to (endFrame/fIncrmnt) do
sliderTime = (t * fIncrmnt)
for i in 1 to numParts do
pf.particleIndex = i
pId = pf.particleID
if pId != 0 then
ParticleSplineShp = execute (“$ParticleSpline_” + pId as string)
addKnot ParticleSplineShp 1 #smooth #line pf.particlePosition
select ParticleSpline_*’
updateShape $
This script is Particle Flow Spliner which is written by Charley Carlat.
If I want to update the Spliner in real time when I run this script,
what should I do with this script?