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[Closed] Parametrical slide

Hi all.

I am very fond of the Slide (loop) script thats in csPolytools (or meshTools(?)). After installing Max 8 i now see the connect has this function parametrically. Great! However when closoing the dialogue box you cant slide anymore. Is it possible to access the code for connect and create a paramerical slide function from it? One that will work on any loop? I sure hope so. I cant code so i am hoping one of you supergurus can do this.


  • Media
14 Replies

you can try edge constarints to slide loops

turn on constraint to edges and move the loop


You can also use Offset feature of Orionflame which lets you to slide a single edge loop with a specified amount along the surface normals.


Hi. I am aware of both of your suggestions. However, sliding a loop with edgeconstraints isnt what i am looking for. This option does not take the objects topology in concideration (As the slide will). Ill have another look at Orion Flame, Light. I just installed Max 8 and havent installed any plugins yet.

The 3 modeling tools i really like but miss are Slide loop (with parameter controll), Solid chamfer and a chamfer with edgerounding as XSI has (with different corner options). I think MODO has this too.
I hope max can put this at some point. Oh well



well for the chamfer part check out this gem!


Hey Johan. Ive already got that one installed on my system. Its brilliant when i want a mesh/turbosmooth modifier in my stack. However i miss just beeing able to pick a loop (say the edges of a box) and chamfer them x times and get a perfect rounded quad corner (not that fancy star that does nothing but harm ) As i said XSI has this so the algorithm exists.

But again thanks for the tip!


You can slide a loop with Orionflame’s Offset. Solid Chamfer is on my to-do list. Can you please give some information about chamfer with edgerounding?

And dont worry about installing Orionflame to a clean install of max. Orionflame is installed into 3 folders of which 2 are macroscript and ini file. The rest is core code put under stdscripts. There is also an uninstaller which makes things easier.


Hi Light! Im sorry this took such a long time but i couldnt fint the XSI video that had edge rounding(fillet if youd like) in it. But now i found out that Carrera 5 has the same function (and Maya i believe) so here is a video that shows it. I think this would be really handy in Max.


Edge rounding – Carrara 5

You can do the same by using Continuous Chamfer feature of Chamfer X. Here is the video showing how it works.


Hi Media, there is a feature in PolyBoost called SwiftLoop with wich you can slide loops interactively and also place a loop at a specific point. The good thing about this tool is that it can slide in two ways. You can either slide with relative distance to the sides for all verts in the loop or make the distance the same to the sides for all verts as the vert on the loop that you are dragging. It is very useful to have both these options. Check out this video that among other things shows this tool in action:
More info at:


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