[Closed] Parametric Cabinet
Hello again ! Someone help me , pls !
I want to do a parametric cabinet , do you think is possible ? I want to change dimensions [ height , width , length ]like in this spinner. I want to change dimensions of the cabinet in this spiner.Do you get me ?
HERE IS A SHORT MOVIE with what i want – download the file , pls !
It can be done.
Take a look at scripted plugins in the Reference (simpleObject etc.)
You could build a whole mesh from scratch if necessary.
nobody said this will be “simple”.
You could also wire all your objects to change the shape of you cabinet.
But this is as complex as writing a object and probably totally useless.
There are at least three simplePlugin samples in this forum.
A bottle, a chair and a house (this one is mine :)).
I recommend you looking at these after studying the sample in the maxscript helpfile.
This approach can teach you a lot about 3d trigonomitry, faces, uvw, and so on.
When starting to script the “simpleHouse” I first thought “ARGHHH”, but after a week I said “mmmm.”
This should not be too hard…
As stated before go for a simpleObject plugin script. Look for help for more info…
3 variables defined in the UI: Height, Width, Depth
define a local variable Thick (thickness)
Then build verts from bottom up:
–bottom verts:
[-width/2,-depth/2,0], [-width/2,depth/2,0], [width/2,depth/2,0], [width/2,-depth/2,0]
–inside bottom verts:
[-(width/2)+thick,-(depth/2)+thick,thick], [-(width/2)+thick,depth/2,thick],
[(width/2)-thick,-(depth/2)+thick,thick], [(width/2)-thick,depth/2,thick]
… etc
then build the faces
faces=#([2,3,1],[1,3,4],[6,5,8],[8,5,7], … etc)
then build the mesh
setmesh mesh verts:verts faces:faces
meshop.autoEdge mesh #all 25
meshop.autoSmooth mesh #all 45
y[color=LemonChiffon]eh, man ! 10 Q !!! But this cabinet must be compound only to boxes not mesh ! I have a version mesh from Bobo , but not help me…