[Closed] PFlow operator on/off
I would like to know how can I turn on/off PFlow operators like…
Event01 > Shape Instance 01 = off
Event01 > Shape Instance 02 = on
Event01 > Material A = on
I’m max script noob so it would be nice to have full line of code as example
Let’s say we have some particle flow. Let’s name it “pf”.
pf has to have list of events.
using [color=yellow]initialEvents interface we can get this list of events:[/color]
actionList = for i=1 to pf.getNumInitialActionLists() collect (pf.getInitialActionList i)
using [color=yellow]ActionList interface we can get a list of actions for every event:[/color]
actionsByEvent = for ev in actionList collect
for i=1 to ev.numActions() collect (ev.getAction i)
To activate(turn on)/deactivate(turn off) any event you have to find this event (by name?) in the actionList and:
ev.activate on -- activate
ev.activate off -- deactivate
to activate/deactivate any action you have to find this action (by name?) in the actions of “parent” event and using its index in the list:
ev.activateAction index on -- activate
ev.activateAction index off -- deactivate
If all events of your particle flow have unique names you can use pathname to get this event:
If event’s name is “Event 01”
-- or
pf.Event_01.activate on
pf.Event_01.activateAction index on
for more information see MXS help -> Particle Flow Interfaces -> ActionList and initialEvents