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[Closed] PFS Event in ms
Aug 14, 2008 4:21 pm
i was wondering how i could access to all the events of a PFS.
If i use this;
for o in helpers do if classof o == event do append PFSEvent o
i will get all the events in my PFview. and if there’s more than 1 PFS, i will have some events i don’t want to have.
2 Replies
Aug 14, 2008 4:21 pm
eh… I’m no PFLow guru, so I’m sure there’s better ways (preferably so you can get an entire hierarchy in order), but…
myEvents = for p in (getPropNames $PF_Source_01) where ((classOf (propValue = getProperty $PF_Source_01 p)) == Event) collect ( (refs.dependentNodes propValue immediateOnly:true)[1] )
basically it…
- loops over all property names of $PF_Source_01
- gets the value for that property
- if that value is of class event
– collects the nodes that immediately depend on that event - returns the array of events associated with that PF Source.
By (my) morning you’ll have a cleaner method from somebody who knows what they’re doing with PFlow