[Closed] Orbit Camera and Dolly Camera
Hi~ I am new to maxscript. I am attempting to write a simple tool which will control camera orbiting a point in scene…in this case is 0,0,0 and move camera in an out withing a range
I believe Orbit camera and Dolly Camera can help me achieve this goal.(two controls at bottom right of the screen when clicked on active cameara viewport) Except that I cannot
seems to find is there is a way to access that command. I tried show $camera01 but it did not give me anything about these two control . And I looked through and I can’t seems to find it.
Is it actually possible to uses these two control thru script ?
if i would not be a max scripter i link the camera (and its target) to some node, put this node in an orbit center, and use its rotation to simply animate the camera.
PS. believe me it’s so easy to make any simple task by using the maxscript more complicated.
LOL,I end up doing something very similar . I just do some easy wiring to control the camera and use script to do the rest. Thanks for the help
Thanks for the help
Thanks~not quite what I was looking for. But it is still a useful info.
However I still would like to know how to access those two command thru script.
I tried macro recording, and it doesn’t pick up anything.
I guess I may have to try another way to tackle the problem