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[Closed] OpenEXR problem
Sep 22, 2011 9:49 am
i tried to save my output files as Openexr, but all i got are black images.
With .jpg my script works fine.
What i do wrong? Here is my script:
fn setOutput =
vr = renderers.current
project = "Test"
shotName = "Test_010_01"
folderName = "Test_010_01_Szene"
fopenexr.SetCompression 2
fopenexr.setSaveScanline false
fopenexr.setSaveRegion false
output_path = "D:\Projekte_Render" + "/" + project + "/" + shotName + "/"
vr.output_splitfilename =(output_path + folderName+"/"+ folderName+".exr")
folderpath = (output_path + folderName)
makeDir folderpath all:true
If i go to the Render Setup under “Split render channels” and press the browse button, hit the save button and confirm the OpennEXR Configuration – it works. But i don’t want to do that manually every time.
2 Replies
Sep 22, 2011 9:49 am
i figured out that it works, if i use the 3dsmax standard output and disable the vray framebuffer.
But I’m still interested how i can save out Openexr files with the framebuffer enabled.
Sep 22, 2011 9:49 am
Ok, this is how it works:
vr = renderers.current
vr.output_on = true
vr.output_splitgbuffer = true
makeDir "C:\\Temp\\Openexr" all:true
vr.output_splitfilename = "C:\\Temp\\Openexr\\TestRender.exr"
bm_filename = "C:\\Temp\\Openexr" + "/" + "tmp.exr"
bm=Bitmap 10 10 fileName: bm_filename
save bm
close bm
deleteFile bm_filename