[Closed] Oormi Tools v0.1 – a free script
Attached is a script which has a number of tools for everyday use. These are meant to be time-savers, click reducers and some are useful new features. Please let me know how it works for you.
Here is a list of tools:
--The buttons with a small yellow arrow at
--top left are with a right-click menu for settings/parameters etc.
--Open Image:
Opens an image file in a folder and reads all other images in that folder for viewing in the style of windows picture viewer…
–Previous image:
Display previous image.
–Next image:
Display next image.
–Assign to object:
Assign the open image as bitmap texture to selection. On the submenu you can turn on assign to polys as multimaterial and assign the image with embedded alpha as opacity map also.
–Edit image :
Opens the currently opened image for editing in external program like photoshop. If an object is selected its texturemap will be edited. Set/change the editor by right clicking.
–Reference plane:
Creates an ortho reference image plane, which is non-renderable,2-sided and self-illuminated, using the opened image, in its dimensions.
–One poly:
Creates one poly facing front as EPoly, no transforms.
–No cap cylinder:
Creates a cylinder without caps. Set the number of sides in submenu.
–Ground :
Creates an opacity mapped ground plane. Set the color in submenu.
–Center pivot:
Does the same
–Pivot at x=0 :
Moves the pivot to y-axis. Useful for symmetry or mirror.
–Center pivot and move to origin :
Does the same
–Rx :
Resets the transforms and collapses to EPoly
–Autosmooth :
Apply autosmooth to all polys of the EPoly at any subobjectlevel.
–Quick lights :
Creates a spotlight and skylight with raytrace shadows set. (Skylight shadows may need manual setting in some versions)
–Rename materials :
Renames the materials in editor slots. Uses object name prefix for materials and maps.
–Random wirecolors:
does the same
–Render all views :
Renders a composite of all the views. Set the scale in submenu.
–Insert logo :
Overlays a logo image of your choice on the render. Supports alpha (e.g for png images). Set the logo position and file in submenu.
–World clock :
Shows time in 12 world cities in active viewport. Use submenu for configuration.
–Help :
Displays help.