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[Closed] Object exporter help

Hi, since i first got counterstrike: source ive been working on the geometry for a CS:Source map in 3dstudio max. the SDK for Source was just recently released, but the exporting tool i was counting on to put my MAX scene into CS:S doesnt like my too-detailed map, so i have been working on trying to come up with my own .map exporter.

right now im having problems with the first step of the exporter.

i need to loop through all the pairs of faces of a shell’ed object and detach each pair as a seperate object.

the Valve Hammer Editor only uses non-concave “brushes” (objects) so i have to split my 3dsmax-created level into seperate 6 sided convex brushes so the Valve Hammer Editor will accept my level.

unfortunatly, after a while of looking through the maxscript help and support stuff, i still couldnt answer my question.

Any help? thanks,

2 Replies

search “Game Level”

Check out Game Level Builder 2.xx

That has a .map exporter you may be able to pull apart and check out.

As far as the faces, you need to loop through your mesh.

<max node>.faces

Find a face that has the same normal and two verts as the face you currently have.

MaxScript help search.
Face Method
Vertex method

You’ll then have four points, the two that match and two that do not. You can then “extrude” that and make a brush from that data…

Good Luck

Keith Morrison

My advice, as a mapper / modeller / programmer is this: Learn Hammer.

It’s way faster / easier / better to make a map in Hammer, because thats all that it’s for. It’s what the entire game was made on. Use 3dsmax / etc for prop models and so forth. I gaurantee you’ll be better off that way, in all respects.

I’ve bitten off more than I can chew before, only to find out that things were that way for a reason.