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[Closed] Nuke Cam Import to Max – Rotation Order

I think this shouldn’t be difficult, but it has been a long day for me
and I can’t get it to work:

So far I have successfully imported Nuke Cameras into Max via .chan.
The rotation order in Nuke was set to XZY and I imported the rotation
values into max by

cam.rotation.controller.x_rotation = chanImportValueX + 90.0
cam.rotation.controller.z_rotation = chanImportValueY
cam.rotation.controller.y_rotation = -chanImportValueZ

Now I have some Nuke files with a finished camera animation but the
rotation order of that camera is set differently, e.g. ZXY. How do I
import a chan file and its rotations correctly into max even though
they have been exported with a ZXY rotation order? I tried all kinds
of approaches but nothing seems to work.


4 Replies

Hi there, I am having the same issue. Did you managed to find a solution?


Have you changed the rotation order in max? Also in nuke is it using a z up system like max?

Nuke’s rotation order is ZXY!