[Closed] Now load data from text file with Maxscript
Hi, i’m new in this forum and i need help for a simple script. I use 3dstudio good but i never utilized maxscipt.
I need a scipt that load many Box from a text file like this:
+20.6378326 +26.4747047 +17.2715569 2 2 2 2 36 2 -1 -1 2 2 30 37 2 -1 -1 1 -1 -3.1699963 +1.9398565 -11.1652737 +35.3927727 +30.2766495 +68.8456573
+11.0808983 +16.9177704 +7.7146225 2 2 2 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 2 2 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 2 0 -3.1699963 +2.7963781 -11.1652737 +22.2553501 +30.2766495 +25.3791275
+20.6378326 +26.4747047 -20.9561806 2 2 2 4 26 2 27 -1 2 2 28 29 2 -1 -1 1 -1 -5.8604488 +1.9398489 -50.6473846 +27.7138195 +57.4468918 +2.2601328
+11.0808983 +16.9177704 -30.5131149 2 2 2 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 2 2 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 2 1 -2.8320866 +2.3425775 -49.0498123 +21.4371834 +28.8870106 -13.9253283
-17.5899048 +26.4747047 +17.2715569 2 2 2 -1 34 2 -1 -1 2 2 6 35 2 -1 -1 1 -1 -33.1839447 -0.2257872 -7.5961504 +4.7825007 +25.1738129 +69.5140076
-8.0329704 +16.9177704 +7.7146225 2 2 2 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 2 2 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 2 2 -9.2442427 +1.9398508 -7.5961504 +4.7825007 +17.2004242 +17.7136402
The numbers 1°-2°-3° are the coordinates XYZ of center of box.
The numbers 18°-19°-20° are the coordinates XYZ of maximum vertices
The numbers 21°-22°-23° are the coordinates XYZ of minimum vertices
The other numbers aren’t necessary
The center is the Pivot position, not the center of object.
Can anyone help me
The “+” characters in the data add a bit of a wrinkle and I’m not sure if I’ve interpreted what you’re doing with the pivot correctly, but this should get you going.
fn fixPlus str =
if str[1] == "+" then str = replace str 1 1 ""
fn toPoint3 arr startIndex =
local p3 = [0, 0, 0]
p3.x = fixPlus arr[startIndex] as float
p3.y = fixPlus arr[startIndex+1] as float
p3.z = fixPlus arr[startIndex+2] as float
local f = openFile "C:\ emp\\boxes.txt" mode:"r"
while not EOF f do
local thisLine = filterString (readLine f) " "
local newPivot = toPoint3 thisLine 1
local newMax = toPoint3 thisLine 21
local newMin = toPoint3 thisLine 24
local b = box()
b.pivot = b.center
b.pos = (newMax + newMin) / 2.0
b.width = abs (newMax.x - newMin.x)
b.length = abs (newMax.y - newMin.y)
b.height = abs (newMax.z - newMin.z)
b.pivot = newPivot
close f
Ops, I have a little problem:
the gameX = 3ds X
the gameZ = 3ds Y
the gameY = 3ds Z
for exemple i look this data:
+20.6378326 +26.4747047 +17.2715569 2 2 2 2 36 2 -1 -1 2 2 30 37 2 -1 -1 1 -1 -3.1699963 +1.9398565 -11.1652737 +35.3927727 +30.2766495 +68.8456573
in 3dstudio i create a Spline with 2 vertices:
1 vertices: x=-3.169 z= 1.93 y= -11.165
2 vertices x= 35.392 z= 30.276 y= 68.845
it’s diagonal of box1
i utilized this modified script for (max9):
fn fixPlus str =
if str[1] == "+" then str = replace str 1 1 ""
fn toPoint3 arr startIndex =
local p3 = [0, 0, 0]
p3.x = fixPlus arr[startIndex] as float
p3.y = fixPlus arr[startIndex+1] as float
p3.z = fixPlus arr[startIndex+2] as float
f = openfile ("ascii.txt")
if f == undefined do
local fname
MessageBox "Could not find ascii.dat. Please point locate the file"
fname = getOpenFileName caption:"Locate ascii.txt" filename:"ascii.txt"
if fname != undefined then
f = openFile fname
if f != undefined then
while not EOF f do
local thisLine = filterString (readLine f) " "
local newPivot = toPoint3 thisLine 1
local newMax = toPoint3 thisLine 21
local newMin = toPoint3 thisLine 24
local b = box()
b.pos.x = (newMin.x - newMax.x) / 2.0
b.pos.y = (newMax.z - newMax.z) / 2.0
b.pos.z = (newMin.y - newMax.y) / 2.0
b.width = abs (newMax.x - newMin.x)
b.length = abs (newMax.z - newMin.z)
b.height = abs (newMax.y - newMin.y)
b.pivot = b.center
b.pivot = newPivot
close f
but the pivot don’t mach with x=20.637 z=26.474 y=17.271 ( i think it’s the center of box but the (b.center.x , b.center.y(z) , b.center.z(y)
and the box it’s in the correct position like image:
Can you help me ?, I think it’s symple for you but i never utilized maxscript (only C++)
There’s a couple of reasons it’s not working for you.
First, in your position calculation, you're subtracting the maximum value from the minimum to get the average. You should be adding them instead. Also, for the pos.y calculation you have (newMax - newMax) / 2.0. That will always return 0.0.
Secondly, You're setting the position of the box before you move the pivot to the centre of the box. When Max creates a box, it places the pivot point in the middle of the bottom face rather than in the centre of the box. As the pivot defines the position of an object, it needs to be centred to the box before the position is set.
Here's a version that does what you're after.
fn fixPlus str =
if str[1] == "+" then str = replace str 1 1 ""
fn toPoint3 arr startIndex =
local p3 = [0, 0, 0]
p3.x = fixPlus arr[startIndex] as float
-- Better to convert from left to right-handed here
p3.y = fixPlus arr[startIndex+2] as float
p3.z = fixPlus arr[startIndex+1] as float
local f = openfile "ascii.txt" mode:"r"
if f == undefined do
-- local fname -- Don't need to pre-define variables in maxscript
MessageBox "Could not find ascii.dat. Please point locate the file"
local fname = getOpenFileName caption:"Locate ascii.txt" filename:"ascii.txt"
if fname != undefined then
f = openFile fname mode:"r"
if f != undefined then
while not EOF f do
local thisLine = filterString (readLine f) " "
local newPivot = toPoint3 thisLine 1
local newMin = toPoint3 thisLine 21
local newMax = toPoint3 thisLine 24
local b = box()
b.width = abs (newMax.x - newMin.x)
b.length = abs (newMax.y - newMin.y)
b.height = abs (newMax.z - newMin.z)
b.pivot = b.center
b.pos = (newMax + newMin) / 2.0
b.pivot = newPivot
close f
but your script make this error:
so i changed with:
fn fixPlus str =
if str[1] == "+" then str = replace str 1 1 ""
fn toPoint3 arr startIndex =
local p3 = [0, 0, 0]
p3.x = fixPlus arr[startIndex] as float
-- Better to convert from left to right-handed here
p3.y = fixPlus arr[startIndex+2] as float
p3.z = fixPlus arr[startIndex+1] as float
f = openfile "ascii.txt" mode:"r"
if f == undefined do
-- local fname -- Don't need to pre-define variables in maxscript
MessageBox "Could not find ascii.dat. Please point locate the file"
local fname = getOpenFileName caption:"Locate ascii.txt" filename:"ascii.txt"
if fname != undefined then
f = openFile fname mode:"r"
if f != undefined then
while not EOF f do
local thisLine = filterString (readLine f) " "
local newPivot = toPoint3 thisLine 1
local newMin = toPoint3 thisLine 21
local newMax = toPoint3 thisLine 24
local b = box()
b.width = abs (newMax.x - newMin.x)
b.length = abs (newMax.y - newMin.y)
b.height = abs (newMax.z - newMin.z)
b.pivot = b.center
b.pos = (newMax + newMin) / 2.0
b.pivot = newPivot
close f