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[Closed] Normals
Sep 19, 2006 3:44 am
I have started learning to script…i was looking at normals …
just wondering a way, to detach faces based on normals…? I took a simple object, a pyramid and each faces are having normals opposite to each other…instead of detaching each face manually, i want to detach based on the normals…
any suggestions on how i should proceed for this one?
3 Replies
Sep 19, 2006 3:44 am
Unless you really want to do that via script, a solution is just to convert to editable mesh and explode to objects, the value (default 24) is the smoothing angle.
*Tip: To test an angle, try with autosmooth to see the result, when you like it, use the same value for explode.
Hope this helps…