[Closed] Nested loops
I’ve created this script to assign random colors to a set of selected objects. The problem is that right now I can assign random colors (diffuse color of the Standard material) to a maximum of 72 objects (which is =24 X 3 since the marerial editor has a maximum of 24 slots and I have repeated the for loop for three times).
I need help with the code so that I can create a nested for loop so that it is not on a no. of objects count dependatnt.
My code is as follows :
rollout ranMat "Random Color" width:162 height:300
spinner spn1 "R:" pos:[12,28] width:44 height:16 type:#integer range:[0,255,0]
spinner spn2 "G:" pos:[64,28] width:44 height:16 type:#integer range:[0,255,0]
spinner spn3 "B:" pos:[120,28] width:44 height:16 type:#integer range:[0,255,0]
spinner spn4 "R:" pos:[12,78] width:44 height:16 type:#integer range:[0,255,255]
spinner spn5 "G:" pos:[64,78] width:44 height:16 type:#integer range:[0,255,255]
spinner spn6 "B:" pos:[120,78] width:44 height:16 type:#integer range:[0,255,255]
button btn1 "Randomise Material Color" pos:[15,105] width:140 height:24
label lbl1 "From :" pos:[12,10] width:39 height:14
label lbl2 "To :" pos:[13,57] width:34 height:17
label lb3 "Works only on selected objects" pos:[8,135]
on btn1 pressed do
for j = 1 to 24 do
meditMaterials[j] = Standardmaterial ()
meditMaterials[j].name = "Unused" + (j as string)
--messagebox (spn1.value as string)
spn1.value > spn4.value OR
spn2.value > spn5.value OR
spn3.value > spn6.value
messagebox "The From value has to be lesser than the To value"
obc = $.count
aaa = $ as array
for i=1 to obc do
meditMaterials[i].diffuse = random (color (spn1.value) (spn2.value) (spn3.value)) (color (spn4.value) (spn5.value) (spn6.value))
aaa[i].material = meditMaterials[i]
meditMaterials[i].name = "Random" + (i as string)
if i == 24 then
for j = 1 to 24 do
k = j + i
meditMaterials[j] = Standardmaterial ()
meditMaterials[j].diffuse = random (color (spn1.value) (spn2.value) (spn3.value)) (color (spn4.value) (spn5.value) (spn6.value))
aaa[k].material = meditMaterials[j]
meditMaterials[j].name = "Random" + (k as string)
if i == 24 then
for l = 1 to 24 do
m = l + k
meditMaterials[l] = Standardmaterial ()
meditMaterials[l].diffuse = random (color (spn1.value) (spn2.value) (spn3.value)) (color (spn4.value) (spn5.value) (spn6.value))
aaa[m].material = meditMaterials[l]
meditMaterials[l].name = "Random" + (m as string)
createDialog ranMat width:170 height:155
why you need to use the medit materials slots? can´t you randimize the materials directly into objects? something like:
for i = 1 to selection.count do
mat = standardmaterial()
mat.diffuse = random (your spinner values)
selection[i].material = mat
sorry if i missed something on your question and sorry my bad english…
I can swear i had tried that before. But it worked now, Thanks a lot for the help. Really.