[Closed] Need help with nvpx error
this message always pops up everytime —> unknown property: “modifiers” in undefined”
and then in the Maxscript Listener, it shows this:
– called in i loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\scripts
vpx\px_globals.ms; position: 32590; line: 1221
– Frame:
– tt: undefined
– t: undefined
– i: $big_wall_E09
– called in PxLoadSavedPose(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\scripts
vpx\px_globals.ms; position: 32701; line: 1226
– Frame:
– called in PxStopSimulation(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\scripts
vpx\px_globals.ms; position: 39801; line: 1564
– Frame:
– called in px_stopSimulationForEditing(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\scripts
vpx\px_watcher.ms; position: 4758; line: 232
– Frame:
– called in anonymous codeblock
– Frame:
>> MAXScript Callback script Exception: – Unknown property: “modifiers” in undefined <<
the “$big_wall_E09” is a group and i already tried to ungroup it, collapse the modifier stack, use the reset Xform etc… but the error is still there.
i tried to google this error and i found out that its an error caused by PhysX but it doesnt make any sense since i
m just modelling something and not actually using the physX tools. I hope somebody can help me.
It appears Physx has some issues with groups being used in scenes. The only solutions would be not use groups or uninstall Physx. You could manually edit the files, but I don’t have time to dig through the code right now.
it works! removing all groups does work.
thanks Eric
but its just sad that i have to avoid using groups now though, and i don`t want to uninstall PhysX either.
Ok this may fix it.
WARNING: Alter at your own risk!!!
[li]Save a backup of px_global.ms (located in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\Scripts[/li]vpx) as I won’t be responsible for any issues it may cause
[li]Open px_global.ms in theMaxscript Editor.[/li][li]Change line 545 (in the 2011 AP version of the script) from:[/li]“`
if isgrouphead(node) then modRB = node.children[1].modifiers[“PhysX Rigid Body”]
if (isgrouphead(node) AND isValidNode(node.children[1])) then modRB = node.children[1].modifiers[“PhysX Rigid Body”]
[li]Execute the script.[/li][/ol]So far I have seen no adverse effects, but have only done limited testing.
thanks Eric
the error never shows up after i use the code that you gave. however, a new error pops up when i started using the PhysX tools. but atleast it doesnt bother me when i
m modelling. maybe i`ll just ungroup everything if im gonna use PhysX.
thanks again,