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[Closed] Need help with a script command

I need to know what the script command for adding a mesh to skinwrap modifier is.

Can anyone help?

13 Replies

  append myObj.modifiers["skin_wrap"].meshlist otherObj



Thanks Drea

Though I get this error:

append Sphere001.modifiers[“skin_wrap”].meshlist Sphere002

– Unknown property: “modifiers” in undefined

Think its something to do with the physx plugin? Is there a workaround for this?

“Sphere001” sounds like the Max name of your object. You need to insert a ‘$’ before the name to access it in maxscript.

append $Sphere001.modifiers["skin_wrap"].meshlist $Sphere002

Yay! It works! Thanks for that Raytracer05 and thanks again Drea for the initial code.

One more thing if anyone can help as I cant find anything on google

I would like to copy the edit poly modifier from sphere001 and paste it onto sphere002

I would also like the same function but this time paste the edit poly modifier underneath another modifier allready applied to sphere002

Any ideas what the script would be for this?

For your first question…

addModifier $Sphere002 $Sphere001.modifiers["edit_poly"]

That will add an instance of the edit_poly modifier to the top of Sphere002’s stack.

To insert the modifier elsewhere, use the “before” keyword argument. The insert point is counted from the top of the stack.

addModifier $Sphere002 $Sphere001.modifiers["edit_poly"] before:1



Thank you Drea, will try this out

Also I’m having a problem with this line when I make a copy of an object

actionMan.executeAction 0 “40213” – Edit: Clone
maxOps.cloneNodes $ cloneType:#copy newNodes:&nnl

The problem is it always brings up the clone panel which interupts the process. I would just like it to bypass the panel and clone me a copy. any idea why this isn’t automatic?

Just use

copy <yourObject>

Ahh simples! Thanks again Drea

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