[Closed] Need Help updating DEM importer: 'on buildmesh' infinite loop
Hi Scripters
I downloaded the DEM (DEM Digital Elevation Map) script from
Scriptspot : http://www.scriptspot.com/download.asp?ID=457
the script was originally written for Max 3 by Stephen Leger, using the ‘BinaryData.dlx’ extentions, and is implemented as a simpleObject plugin.
I am trying to make it compatible with Max 7.
modifying the binary parsing is done, and seams to work,
but I face a problem:
the ‘on BuildMesh’ handler goes in an infinite loop, and I don’t understand why…
If i interupt the script, during this loop, the model comes out fine, though…
It seams that once the mesh is built, the script goes back to the beginning of the buildmesh handler over and aver again …
modified script is attached to this message
Could any gurus please take a look ?
if you want to test it, you will need at least 2 files:
the DEM file (add the .dem extention after extraction)
http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/topo/DATATILES/elev/m10g.gz (6Mo)
and the .hdr file:
ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/GLOBE_DEM/data/elev/esri/hdr/m10g.hdr (34k)
thanks in advance for your attention