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[Closed] Navigating materials with maxscript

I’m writing a script for navigating materials in max, it feels hacky. What is the best way to add & remove maps?

for example:

  1. I want to add a colorCorrect node in the diffuse slot to every vray material in my selection,with a unique name(cc_*) cool no problem.

  2. Now I want to delete any colorCorrect created with the name (cc_*) leaving any children intact.

So originally my node hierarchy might be something like:


After applying new map(in this case a cc):


upon removal it would again look like:

So anyway I have a script working but it’s CC map specific and I’d rather get something to work for any map that you’d want to apply. Is there a “get child nodes” or “remove” material built in function or some classy way of adding and removing any map leaving any hierarchy intact?

hope this makes sense… :rolleyes:

3 Replies

Something along these lines will probably help you…

StandardMaterial diffuse:Mix()

for o in scenematerials where o.diffuse_texmap != undefined do 
    tempMat =  o.diffuse_texmp
   o.diffuse_texmap = colorCorrection map:tempMat

for o in getclassinstances colorCorrection where matchpattern pattern:"CC_*" do 
   replaceinstances o

cool, nice one!

I’ve created some functions:

	fn addMap m = 
		for o in selection do 
			tempMat = o.material.texmap_diffuse
			o.material.texmap_diffuse = m map:tempMat
	addMap colorCorrection

	fn removeMap m p = 
		for o in selection do 
			for o in getclassinstances m where matchpattern pattern:p do 
			   replaceinstances o
	removeMap colorCorrection "Color_*"


I’ve updated the code and this is working great for the “colorCorrection” map, however if I change it to a “colorCorrect” map it breaks on the removeMap function: replaceinstances m as it can’t find the “.map” attribute for a colorCorrect as it’s looking for a “.src_tex”.

I think a potential solution may be to get the first map slot of any map and assume that in this case it might always be the one we want?

	--Array of unique maps so that maps only get processed once.
	uniqueMapArray = #()
	i = 1
	fn addMap mapType mapName = 
		for o in selection do 
			--If VrayMat:
			if isKindOf o.material VRayMtl then
				if ((finditem uniqueMapArray == 0) do
					append uniqueMapArray
					tempMat = o.material.texmap_diffuse
					o.material.texmap_diffuse = mapType name:( mapName + "_0" + i as string ) map:tempMat
				i = i + 1
			--If VrayMat is a submaterial:
			else if (isKindOf o.material Multimaterial or isKindOf o.material compositematerial) then 
				for subMap in o.material.materialList where isKindOf subMap material do
					--Go back and do "addMap" :
					addMap subMap mapName
	addMap colorCorrection "mapWrangler"

	fn removeMap mapType namePattern = 
		for o in selection do 
			for m in getclassinstances mapType where matchpattern pattern:namePattern do 
			   replaceinstances m
	removeMap colorCorrection "mapWrangler_*