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[Closed] My curve rebuild script
Nov 10, 2006 7:45 pm
According to my spline growing thread I wrote a spline rebuilding script for learning purposes.
As far it doesn’t produce errors.
If somebody could revise it and advise how to make it interactive I’d be grateful.
macroScript TW_uniform_rebuild category:"kojak How To"
if selection.count !=0 then
rollout rebuild_control "twardo_rebuild_control"
button rebuild "Rebuild curve"
spinner knotcount "number of knots" range:[2,500,10] type:#integer
radiobuttons curvetype labels:#("Linear", "Smooth") default:1
On rebuild pressed do
myShape = selection[1]
myShapeLength = curveLength myShape
divs = knotcount.value as float
newlength = myShapeLength/divs
myNewShape = SplineShape()
addNewSpline myNewShape
for i = 0 to divs do
case curvetype.state of
1: cornertype = #corner
2: cornertype = #smooth
lengthParam = ((newLength * i) / myShapeLength)
myNewParam = lengthToPathParam myShape 1 lengthParam
if myNewParam > 1 do myNewParam = 1
myNewKnotPos = pathinterp myShape 1 myNewParam
addknot myNewShape 1 cornertype #curve myNewKnotPos
if i > 1 then (updateShape myNewShape)
myNewShape.vertexTicks = on
myNewShape.wirecolor = red
select myNewShape
createDialog rebuild_control 200 80
else (messageBox "Select a single-spline Shape")
Thanks for any help