[Closed] Multiple copy like in Revit
I’ve decided to create another Thread instead of this
[ http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=98&t=1110150 ]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=98&t=1110150)
because now, after investigating, and trying to script I understood what I want! It is Multiple Copy! Here is a small video that displays how is it in Revit (for those that didn't use it yet) and what I've achieved through script!
[VIDEO]( http://artrender.info/tmpmike/Untitled/index.html)
1: I love in revit the box around the object when copying and the line with distance, also the possibility to make multiple copies! This line may be the line when we copy in max with snap switched on! It would be great to make such a tool like dimension (distance)!
2: Max screen
2.a common copying principle with "Clone Options" dialog!
2.b here I use a script with "h" hotkey:
fn CopyClick =
maxOps.cloneNodes $ cloneType:#instance newNodes:&nnl
select nnl
print "Copied, now Move!!!"
delete $
)--End Function
)--End Script
It makes a clone copy in place (thx to Swordsplayer for the idea), but it has a minus - if you press on hot key (h) a little longer, then you can get a lot of objects in place and if your objects are heavy - it means your scene will slow down and ....
Another minus of it is that you have to press on h each time to copy!
2.c there is a good [script by agg3d at scriptspot]( http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/copyclick)
fn CopyClick =
maxOps.cloneNodes $ cloneType:#instance newNodes:&nnl
select nnl
p = point pos:Sel.center
p.pos.z = 0
ClickPos = pickPoint snap:#2D ()
ArrayFiltroGroupHead = #()
for obj in Sel do
result = isGroupHead obj
result1 = isGroupMember obj
if result == true and result1 == false then
append ArrayFiltroGroupHead obj
obj.parent = p
if result1 == false then
obj.parent = p
)-- Fim Loop
p.pos = ClickPos
delete p
delete p
delete $
)--End Function
)--End Script
But it works only once, after this it stops and you have restart max in order to have it working!
I have tried to close the window "Clone Options" with a timer
global theTimer
fn onTick =
local RollOutHandle = (windows.getChildHWND 0 "Clone Options" )[1]
UIAccessor.PressButtonByName RollOutHandle "OK"
theTimer = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Timer";
theTimer.interval = 1; --ms
dotnet.addEventHandler theTimer "tick" onTick
the window is flickering - appears and quickly dissapears, which is not good! Except this, you have to copy again, using hot key at every copy!
So, 2.c is better, but it has to be improved! Please, if you find it interesting and useful the write down some ideas!
If you watch the VIDEO from above you will understand what is 1, 2 (a-c)
A good idea would be the object to be copied, then moved along with the cursor (may be with box like in revit or see through) till another place where you click (and here the object becomes non see through) and another object is copied and moved along the cursor! When right click, the operation is stopped! The movement I think should be only on x and y axes!
If you said that, then we can forget about such probabilities! I know you will do!
also an additional option would be to rotate the object before placing with the wheel of the mouse with an angle mentioned in “angle snapped option” from max menu! so, when you copy – the object is moving along – if you still didn’t press left click but rotate the wheel, then your object is rotating, once you pressed left click – it is placed rotated, if right click => stop multycopy action!!!
You can try to do it yourself.
Check maxscript help file for “Scripted Mouse Tools” and start writhig.
ok… here is quick and dirty code… but i hope it’s a good start:
try(destroydialog cloneObjectsDialog) catch()
rollout cloneObjectsDialog "Clone Selection" width:200
local clonednodes = #(), clonenodes = #(), newnodes = #()
local lasmessage, cloning = off, clonepoint, mousepoint, center
label clonetype_lb "Clone Type:" across:2 align:#right offset:[0,4]
radiobuttons clonetype_rb labels:#("Copy", "Instance", "Reference") align:#left offset:[8,3]
checkbox hierarchy_cb "Expand Hierarchy" checked:on
checkbutton startclone_bt "Clone" width:190 align:#right offset:[8,4]
fn getCloneType = case clonetype_rb.state of
1: #copy
2: #instance
3: #reference
fn mouseTracking msg ir obj face shift ctrl alt =
wp = ir.pos
mp = mouse.pos
case msg of
#mouseAbort: ()
#freeMove: ()
cloning = off
if not cloning then
clonepoint = center = wp
mousepoint = mp
cloning = on
offset = (clonepoint - selection.center)
maxops.clonenodes clonenodes offset:offset expandHierarchy:hierarchy_cb.state cloneType:(getCloneType()) newNodes:&newnodes
join clonednodes newnodes
delta = wp - clonepoint
angle = mp.y - mousepoint.y
case of
(shift): about center scale newnodes ([1,1,1] + 0.01*angle)
(ctrl): about center rotate newnodes (angleaxis angle ir.dir)
move newnodes delta
center = wp
clonepoint = wp
mousepoint = mp
lasmessage = msg
if msg == #mouseAbort then
startclone_bt.checked = off
else #continue
on startclone_bt changed state do
if selection.count > 0 and state then
clonenodes = selection as array
clonednodes = #()
act = mouseTrack trackCallback:mouseTracking snap:#3D
toolmode.commandmode = #select
startclone_bt.checked = off
on cloneObjectsDialog close do toolmode.commandmode = #select
createdialog cloneObjectsDialog pos:[800,300]
with left mouse button down – clone and move, with control – rotate, with shift – scale…
right click, escape, button check off, or close dialog – abort
much easier to do it with geometry plug-in http://forums.cgsociety.org/showpost.php?p=7598766&postcount=1
OK! Thank you so much, my friends! I will take a look and let you know later! Thank you for your efforts! I appreciate very much what you do and that you support and help even new users of maxscript!
Denis, you have done a very good script! In fact I can use it as it already is, but I will try to add some more options (of course I don’t know how quick it will be, but I will try)!
Now here is VIDEO2
It’s bad that they didn’t make it work like in Revit
If you see here, there is that line and when you move the object, it tends to orient along axes x or y (it’s likely scanning the angle, if it is very small, then it’s moving straight)
The second, is that it allows you, during moving to write down on your keyboard the distance manually, and if you hit enter, it moves to that distance!
Please, tell me – is it possible to put a value somehow like in video? could you point me to the place I can find this?
Thx anyone who participated!