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[Closed] Multiple #filePostOpen callbacks not working consistently

Has anyone ever had a situation where two separate callbacks have been set for the same event… and at times (and for no apparent reason) only one fires when that event occurs?

For instance, I have two separate scripts that register for #[size=2]filePostOpen events, but when I open a new scene, at times only one fires, and other times both fire. And they both have separate ids, so there’s nothing funny going on there.[/size]
[size=2]Anyone else?

4 Replies

I have the situation where two postSave callbacks are registered but they fire well.

Maybe it is time to finaly start the great callback benchmark thread.
I always wonder what impact multimple callbacks have on a setup.


I’ve encountered this behavior once, but I was never able to isolate it. I ended up having to consolidate two callbacks, with some of the callback code executing only if certain conditions were met.

I’ve also had brief trouble in the past with callbacks for the same event not executing in any particular order, but this is expected with callbacks. Consolidating them fixed the problem.


What happens if you are using multiple scripts that come from differnet sources?
You could not consolidate their callbacks …

If the callbacks are from separate sources, I don’t know of any fix or workaround. (The two callbacks I consolidated were both from my own script.)